• quote:

    Head of IT department who thinks he can run network AND database administration for some 500 users with only 2 full time admins. He doesn't need a dedicated DBA because this sums up onto personell cost. Instead hiring external consultants which cost much more, but they can be hidden under material costs.



    And that is a sad fact when done. I even saw a cost comparison of contractors versus FTEs (full-time employees) and found we paid almost 2 times as much to the contract company just for the sake of having a no-strings deal where we could evaluate people as we wanted instead of a 90 day probation. But what ticks me off is when FTEs are cut and contractors are kept (duh that was the cost of 2 FTEs in many cases you goobs). It seems never to be about cost savings but how well you can hide your resources in the budget.