Technical Article

Wait for Mirror treshold


This procedure is very handy if you want to control the load on a mirrored database. For example rebuilding indexes on the principal database generates a lot of load on the mirrored database (especially with a snapshot).

In order to control the load on a mirrored server, create this procedure (on the principal) and insert a call to this procedure between each "heavy" (statement on the principal).

For example, I rebuild my indexes by a cursor loop and just before I fetch the next index, I call this procedure. This procedure takes the mirror tresholds from SQL. NOTE: By using this procedure, you still might get messages in your errorlog about mirror tresholds. This procedure only slows down your statements (in order to give the mirrored database more breath).

In order to prevent an infinite execution of this statement, @MaxWaitSeconds determines the number of seconds before this procedure aborts (a returncode is set).
@Checkdelay is the delaytime before the tresholds are checked again.

if exists(select 1 from information_schema.routines where routine_name = 'usp_WaitforMirrorTreshold')
    drop procedure usp_WaitforMirrorTreshold 

create procedure usp_WaitforMirrorTreshold @databasename sysname
                                        , @MaxWaitseconds int = 60
                                        , @CheckDelay datetime = '00:00:10'
                                        , @debug bit = 0
    created by wilfred van dijk
    declare @LogValue1 int
    declare @LogTreshold1 int
    declare @LogValue2 int
    declare @LogTreshold2 int
    declare @TimeBehind int
    declare @TimeBehindTreshold int
    declare @MyReturnCode int
    declare @MyProcID sysname
    declare @role int
    declare @StartChecktime datetime

    set nocount on

    set @MyReturnCode = 0
    set @StartCheckTime = GETDATE()
    set @MyProcID = OBJECT_NAME(@@PROCID)

    print '/* Executing ' + @MyProcId + ' */'
    Since insert/exec results in nested exec error, update seperately
    begin try
        exec msdb.dbo.sp_dbmmonitorupdate @Databasename
    end try
    begin catch
        print '-- ERROR: ' + ERROR_MESSAGE()
        GOTO EndOfProc
    end catch
    create temporary tables
    declare @monitorresults table(databasename sysname, role int, mirroring_state int, witness_status int
                                , log_generation_rate int, unsend_log int, send_rate int, unrestored_log int
                                , recovery_rate int, transaction_delay int, transactions_per_sec int
                                , average_delay int, time_recorded datetime, time_behind datetime, local_time datetime)

    declare @monitoralert table (alertid int, treshold int, enabled bit)
    get data
    into    @monitorresults 
    exec    msdb.dbo.sp_dbmmonitorresults @Databasename,0,0

    insert    into @monitoralert 
    exec    msdb.dbo.sp_dbmmonitorhelpalert @databasename

    if @debug = 1
            select * from @monitoralert
            select * from @monitorresults

    select    @role = role 
    from    @monitorresults
    where    databasename = @databasename

    print '-- Role of database ' + QUOTENAME(@Databasename) + ' on server ' + @@SERVERNAME + ' is ' + case @Role when 1 then 'Principal' else 'Mirror' end

    while (1=1)


            select    @TimeBehind = datediff(minute, r.time_behind, r.time_recorded)
                    , @TimeBehindTreshold = a.treshold
            from    @monitorresults r
                    , @monitoralert a
            where    a.alertid = 1

            select    @LogValue1 = r.unsend_log
                    , @LogTreshold1 = a.treshold
            from    @monitorresults r
                    , @monitoralert a
            where    a.alertid = 2

            select    @LogValue2 = r.unrestored_log
                    , @LogTreshold2 = a.treshold
            from    @monitorresults r
                    , @monitoralert a
            where    a.alertid = 3

            if @debug = 1
                select @logValue1, @logTreshold1, @logValue2, @logTreshold2, @TimeBehind, @TimeBehindTreshold
            No treshold? exit
            if @LogValue1 < @LogTreshold1 and @LogValue2 < @LogTreshold2 and @TimeBehind < @TimeBehindTreshold
                    print '-- No Mirror tresholds at this moment'

            if @LogValue1 > @LogTreshold1 print '-- Waiting: Unsend log exceeds treshold'
            if @LogValue2 > @LogTreshold2 print '-- Waiting: Unrestored log exceeds treshold'
            if @timeBehind > @TimeBehindTreshold print '-- Waiting: Oldest unsend transaction exceeds treshold'
            exit in case of debug mode
            if @debug = 1
            Give server some breath
            waitfor delay @CheckDelay
            In order to prevent infinite execution, this procedure aborts after @MaxWaitSeconds
            if datediff(second, @StartChecktime, GETDATE()) > @MaxWaitSeconds
                    print '-- Aborting, because time is up'
                    set @MyReturnCode = 1
            refresh data
            delete from @monitorresults
            delete from @monitoralert

            into    @monitorresults 
            exec    msdb.dbo.sp_dbmmonitorresults @Databasename,0,0

            insert    into @monitoralert 
            exec    msdb.dbo.sp_dbmmonitorhelpalert @databasename



    print '/* Finished */'
    return @MyReturncode


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