• Thank you for the insight. I forgot all about the right click/package log function! Please read my reply to phillcart about what I came up with as to the possible problem if you are interested. Thanks again!


    I do this a couple of ways.

    1. Open the DTS package, right click for properties and on the looging tab under error handling specify an output file. This logs everything that the DTS package does.

    If you're doing this, the file can get quite large over numerous executions so I always like to remove the old log when the DTS first starts. I create an activeX task like this:

    Function Main()
    dim objFSO
    dim strLogFile

    strLogFile = DTSGlobalVariables.Parent.LogFileName

    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    If objFSO.FileExists(strLogFile) Then
    objFSO.DeleteFile strLogFile, True
    End If

    Set objFSO = Nothing

    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success
    End Function

    2. My preferred option though is to specify a log file on the properties for each step within the SQL Agent job. This will include all the DTS output and other useful stuff too. You can also define whether the each output should overwrite or append.

    Hope this helps,

    . . Greg