• Here's a PROC I 've used to output <8K files.

    Create Procedure SyExport8KBlobToTextFile_sp
    (@Blob varchar(8000) = NULL
    ,@OutPutFile varchar(256) = NULL)

    if @Blob + @OutPutFile is NULL begin
    print ' ******* Procedure SyExport8KBlobToTextFile_sp *****

    Creates a file with the passed text data

    @Blob Less than 8K long string of text
    @OutPutFile Full UNC filename of target file.
    -- Real Work Start Here

    Declare @SQL varchar(8000), @Select varchar(8000)

    set @Select = replace(@Blob, '''', '''''')
    set @Select = 'Select ''' + replace(@Select, '"', ''' + char(34) + ''') + ''''
    set @Select = replace(@Select, Char(13) + Char(10), ''' + char(13) + Char(10) + ''')
    set @Select = replace(@Select, Char(13), ''' + char(13) + ''')
    set @Select = replace(@Select, Char(10), '')
    set @Select = replace(@Select, '''', '''''')
    -- print @Select
    set @SQL = 'master.dbo.xp_cmdshell ''BCP "' + @Select + '" QUERYOUT "' + @OutPutFile + '" -c -S"' + @@Servername + '" -a32768 -T -t""'', no_output '
    --print @SQL
    Exec (@SQL)

    Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together