Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 Replication Primary Key and Idenity check apply to subscriber db for disaster recovery RE: Primary Key and Idenity check apply to subscriber db for disaster recovery

  • I believe the true answer to this question is that you cannot make a simple script to be applied to the subscriber.  Here is another response that I got off the Miscrosoft Newsgroup website.  So far I like this one the best which is very similar to fhanlon response #6 of this thread.

    Here is the response from the MS Newsthread under replication:  when you get the the specify articles dialog of the create publication

    wizard, click on the browse button to the left of each table. In the

    snapshot tab, select leave existing table unchanged.

    Then you can script out the tables on the publisher with the contrainsts you

    wish. Modify every constraint to be NFR (Not For Replication) and run this

    script on the subscriber, then deploy your snapshot.

    Thank you all for your help with this question.