Home Forums Programming General T-SQL Experts - Can this SP be recoded to work as a UDF RE: T-SQL Experts - Can this SP be recoded to work as a UDF

  • I took Jack's code, modified it with the changes suggested by Antares and I get this:

    Create FUNCTION dbo.udf_GetEMpsBYManager


    @empid char(6)


    RETURNS @table_variable TABLE (employeeid char(6), sn varchar(15), givenname varchar(25), mail varchar(50) )



    Declare @temp Table (employeeid char(6))

    Declare @rows Int

    Insert Into @temp

      Select Distinct employeeid

      From directory

      Where higmanagerempid = @empid

    While @rows > 0


      Insert Into @temp

        Select Distinct E.employeeid



           Select Distinct D.employeeid

           From directory D Left Join @temp T

              On D.higmanagerempid = T.employeeid


       As E LEFT JOIN @temp T2

           On E.employeeid = T2.employeeid

      Where T2.employeeid Is NULL

    Set @rows = @@rowcount


    Insert Into @table_variable

      Select D.employeeid, D.sn, D.givenname, D.mail

      From  @temp T Join Directory D

      On T.employeeid = D.employeeid

      Where len(D.mail)>0



    Executing this code only returns the first level of direct reports to the employee_id specified in the UDF parameter (12 employees). My original SP returns 432 employees all the way to the bottom of the chain.

    Did I mis-code something? I thought I applied Antares' changes correctly.

    nb. Coach James, I can see your point theoretically but I have no idea how to apply it to my case.