• Hmmm... Well here is a quick sample SP I just wrote that should help you with the variable usage.


    USE pubs


    -- First check to see if the sproc exists and if so drop it.

    IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE id = object_id('MySampleSproc'))

        DROP PROCEDURE MySampleSproc



    Name: MySampleSproc

    Description: sample procedure for how to use variables.

    Sample Call:

    DECLARE @nAuthorID varchar(11) , @dtStartDate datetime

    SET @dtStartDate = convert(datetime,'01/01/1989')

    EXEC MySampleSproc 'Green', @nAuthorID OUTPUT, @dtStartDate

    SELECT @nAuthorID AuthorID


        3/24/2004      gary johnson    Created


    -- Now create the sproc



        -- Add in the parameter variables

        @nMyVar              varchar(40) -- Input only

        , @nMyVar2           varchar(11) = NULL OUTPUT -- Assigns default value and allow output of variable

                                                -- Also makes variable not be required to call

        , @dtMyVar3          datetime = NULL



    BEGIN -- Procedure

        DECLARE -- Procedure Level Variables

            @dtMyVar4          datetime


        SET @dtMyVar4 = GetDate()

        IF @dtMyVar3 IS NULL


                SET @dtMyVar3 = GetDate() - 50



        -- Get AuthorID

        SELECT @nMyVar2 = au_id

        FROM dbo.authors

        WHERE au_lname = @nMyVar


        -- Now show All Sales for this author between today and @dtMyVar3

        SELECT s.stor_id

            , s.ord_num

            , s.ord_date

            , s.qty

            , s.payterms

            , s.title_id

        FROM dbo.sales s

            JOIN dbo.titleauthor ta ON s.title_id = ta.title_id and ta.au_id = @nMyVar2

        WHERE s.ord_date BETWEEN @dtMyVar3 and @dtMyVar4



    END -- Procedure


    Gary Johnson
    Microsoft Natural Language Group
    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and may not reflect that of my employer.