• Hi,

    you can run an Active X script prior to the execution of the data pump to change the table name.



    '  Visual Basic ActiveX Script


    ' Replace the Placeholder ##Supplier## in the  "WHERE" clause in the data pump task


    Function Main()

     ' Get the root parent reference to the DTS package

      Set oPkg = DTSGlobalVariables.Parent

     ' Get reference to data pump task1

     Set oExecSQL =oPkg.Tasks("DTSTask_DTSDataPumpTask_1").CustomTask


     'Retrieve current SQL statement (with placeholders ##Supplier##) and save to lokal Working Variable

      mySQLStatement =  oExecSQL.SourceSQLStatement

     ' Copy the local working variable to Global for later restore use

     DTSGlobalVariables("original_my_SQL_DPT_1").Value= mySQLStatement

     ' Start the find and replace operations to substitue the "placeholder" in the SQL statement

     mySQLStatement =  Replace( mySQLStatement, "'##Supplier##" , DTSGlobalVariables("Supplier_Number").Value & ")" , 1 , -1, 1 )


     ' Assign SQL Statement to Exec SQL Task

      oExecSQL.SourceSQLStatement = mySQLStatement

     ' Clean Up

      Set oPkg = Nothing

      Set oExecSQL = Nothing

     Set mySQLStatement = Nothing

     Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

    The global variable "Supplier_Number" has to be created e.g. when you read from the log table.

    You also can use the stored procedure sp_executesql to modify an SQL statement prior to its execution.

    Hope this helps.
