• Good article reference, Frank (and congrats again on the MVP!)  I did not know about precedence of when the WHERE clause gets evaluated between the two forms.

    This begs a question of me, though.  I recently wrote the following code:

    select distinct fieldlist blahblahblah....

    from EntityHistory en

    join enLookupCodes lc1     --get state

     on ad1.refstateid = lc1.id

    join enEntityAddressTypes adt1    --filter address type

     on ad1.id = adt1.EntityAddressID

      and adt1.refAddressTypeid = 950  --mailind addr

    join enEntityAddressTypes adt2

     on ad2.id = adt2.EntityAddressid

      and adt2.refAddressTypeid = 951  --physical addr

    where en.fiscalyear = 2004

     and en.ownerid is not null   --select schools, not districts

     and en.ctds in (select ctds from EdzOutOfStateEntities)

    My question to you is, would putting effectively a Where clause on the Join be 'improper', would it be better to put it in the actual Where clause?  Or perhaps this is more a matter of personal style?

    The thing that broke me of using *= and =* was being unemployed for about 10 months and not using SQL Server during that time.  When I started coding again, it was real easy to pick up the Join syntax. <g>

    [font="Arial"]Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves or we know where we can find information upon it. --Samuel Johnson[/font]