Show in a page the text chosen in another table


    Hi everybody

    I'm building a site about Contracts, in ASP with SQL Server 2000.

    One of its pages ("noticias.asp") will show topics of the most recent news, released by the press, concerning the theme -- and give Visitors the possibility of picking one topic ("titulont") to be shown in its integrity, in a 2nd. page ("noticiaintegra.asp)".

    The 1st. page (with the command line -->Response.Write "<TD width=496><a href=noticiaintegra.asp?tit=" & objRs("titulont") & ">" & objRS("titulont") & "</a></TD>"<--) works fine, but

    In the 2nd. page, the address bar informs, correctly, the option to be shown integrally (for instance -->...../noticiaintegra.asp?tit=Contracting<---) but ...nothing more happens!

    I think commands are missing -- the question is: Which of them?

    I'll be very grateful if You can help me. Thanks in advance!


  • Hi Dalton

    Not really a SQLServer issue but what the heck!. The url for your second page shows objRS("titulont") as the value in the query string pair tit=Contracting. I presume you're picking this value up with Request.QueryString and then selecting the relevant record to Response.Write into the body of your second page?

    If so waht does the rsulting source of your second page look like

    I have found it is possible to please all of the people all of the time if you do exactly what they want. Harold Macmillan 1961

    I have found it is possible to please all of the people all of the time if you do exactly what they want. Harold Macmillan 1961

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