system stored procedure?!

  • I wrote the following stored procedure to check the databases' space. first, I put it in the master databases, then if I run it from the user database, it gives me the size of master database!

    Then if I create the stored procedure in the user databases, it works fine.

    I think the stored procedure start with name sp_xxx and put it in master database, then you can execute it from user database and it should work in the way as it was in user database?! Is there anything wrong with this?

    create procedure sp_userdb_usage


    declare @id int -- The object id of @objname.

    declare @type character(2) -- The object type.

    declare @pages int -- Working variable for size calc.

    declare @dbname sysname

    declare @dbsize dec(15,0)

    declare @logsize dec(15)

    declare @bytesperpage dec(15,0)

    declare @pagesperMB dec(15,0)

    declare @usedspace dec(15,0)

    dbcc updateusage(0) with no_infomsgs

    set nocount on


    ** If @id is null, then we want summary data.


    /* Space used calculated in the following way

    ** @dbsize = Pages used

    ** @bytesperpage = d.low (where d = master.dbo.spt_values) is

    ** the # of bytes per page when d.type = 'E' and

    ** d.number = 1.

    ** Size = @dbsize * d.low / (1048576 (OR 1 MB))



    select @dbsize = sum(convert(dec(15),size))

    from sysfiles

    where (status & 64 = 0)

    select @logsize = sum(convert(dec(15),size))

    from sysfiles

    where (status & 64 <> 0)

    select @bytesperpage = low

    from master.dbo.spt_values

    where number = 1

    and type = 'E'

    select @pagesperMB = 1048576 / @bytesperpage

    select @usedspace = sum(convert(dec(15),reserved))

    from sysindexes

    where indid in (0, 1, 255)

    select check_date = convert(char(20), getdate(),0),

    database_name = db_name(),

    data_size =ltrim(str((@dbsize) / @pagesperMB,15,2) + ' MB'),

    log_size =ltrim(str((@logsize) / @pagesperMB,15,2) + ' MB'),

    'unallocated space' =ltrim(str((@dbsize - @usedspace) / @pagesperMB,15,2)+ ' MB'),

    percentage = ltrim(str(@usedspace/@dbsize *100,15,2)+'%')


  • I would set the @dbname variable = to the database your are in. Then I would create a string variable that would look something like this:

    declare @cmd varchar(1000)

    set @cmd = 'select @dbsize = sum(convert(dec(15),size))from' + @dbname + '.dbo.sysfiles

    where (status & 64 = 0)'

    exec (@cmd)

    That should force the variable to store the data from the database you are interested in.

    Remember this when a developer tells you it will just be temporary. Temporary = Permanent.

  • You need to call sp_MS_MarkSystemObject @objectname on your stored procedure. Provide the name of your procedure as the value for @objectname.

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