MSDE 2000 SP3 install fails

  • OK, so I'm trying to install MSDE 2000 SP3 on a Windows XP Prof Computer. During the last part of the installation I get the message "Setup failed to configure the server. Refer to the server error logs and setup error logs for more information." and the installation rolls back. I made a verbose setup log and below is the pertinent lines:

    Starting custom action ConfigServer

    Executing "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\cnfgsvr.exe -V 1 -M 1 -U sa -I "MSSQLSERVER" -Q "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS""

    Setup failed to configure the server. Refer to the server error logs and setup error logs for more information.

    Action ended 10:19:57: InstallFinalize. Return value 3.

    Also, the cnfsvr.out file reads as:



    Starting Service ...


    -m -Q -T4022 -T3659

    An error occurred while attempting to start the service (193)

    SQL Server configuration failed.



    Has anybody seen this before??? I've installed MSDE 2000 1000's of times and never had a problem like this. Stuff I've done to try and resolve this problem:

    1.) Cleaned out registry and directory and install again.

    2.) Installed MDAC 2.8 (after cleaning everything), rebooted, and tried again

    3.) Checked to make sure the Server Service was up and running




  • SP3A or SP3?

  • SP3

  • Try SP3A from

  • I would if that were an option, but this is part of another installation program that I have no real power to change. At one point I convinced the higher ups to switch from MSDE 2k to MSDE 2k SP3 from all of the problems with the Slammer Virus, but they've since decided I made a bad decision and won't let me invest the time or resources to change it again.

    I'm almost at the point now that I'm just going to wipe the computer and install Windows from scratch, but I'm worried the problem will still occur after that. I've installed MSDE 2k SP3 so many times, many times with errors, and had no real problem getting to work after a little research. This one is stumping me though.

    Kevin - irritated

  • I can't search Microsoft KW because there are some issues seems happening at their KW website. But I have a KB downloaded in my machine and that KB seems match your poblem.

    Setup Failed to Configure the Server Error Message When You Install MSDE

    The information in this article applies to:

    · Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE) SP3


    If you install SQL Server Desktop Engine (also known as MSDE 2000), Setup may fail, and you may receive the following error message:

    Setup failed to configure the server. Refer to the server error logs and setup error logs for more information


    This problem may occur if the new MSDE instance name is the same as the previously removed MSDE instance name, and the data files of the previous MSDE instance still exist in the Data folder.


    To work around this problem, use one of the following methods.

    Method 1: Move the Previous MSDE Data Folder

    To do so, follow these steps:

    1. Start Windows Explorer.

    2. Locate the Data folder for the previous MSDE instance.

    Note By default, the location of the Data folder for a named MSDE instance is C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$instance_name. If you specify the datadir setup parameter during the installation, the location of the Data folder is value of DATADIR parameterMSSQL$instance_name.

    3. Move the Data folder to a different location.

    Method 2 : Change the Data Folder Location

    Set the location of the Data folder to a location that is different from the location that you specified in the previous installation. You can specifiy the location of the Data folder for the new instance of the MSDE by using startup parameters. To do so, perform one of the following tasks:

    · Use Command-Line Arguments

    To specify the setup parameters as a command-line argument, follow these steps:

    1. Open a command prompt, and then locate the directory of the MSDE files.

    2. Type the following command at the command prompt (where instance name is the MSDE instance name, installation drive is the name of the drive where the MSDE instance is installed, and data folder name is the name of the data folder):

    setup.exe /i Relative path of installation package file INSTANCENAME="instance name" DATADIR="installation drive:\Programfiles\Microsoft SQL Server\data folder name"

    · Use the Setup.ini File

    To specify the setup parameters by using the Setup.ini file, follow these steps:

    1. Open a command prompt, and then locate the directory where the MSDE files exist.

    2. Use Notepad to open the Setup.ini file.

    3. Type the following information in the Setup.ini file (where Data_Folder is the full path of Data folder and Instance_Name is the name of the MSDE instance that you want to install):


    DATADIR ="Data_Folder"


    4. Save the Setup.ini file.

    5. Type the following command at the command prompt (where Installation_Package_File_Path is the full path of installation package file):

    setup.exe /i Installation_Package_File_Path /settings setup.ini

    Method 3: Manually Remove the Previous Instance of MSDE

    When you remove the MSDE instance by using the Add/Remove Programs tool, the Data folder that corresponds to the MSDE instance are not removed. To make sure that previous instance of the MSDE is completely removed, manually remove the MSDE instance.

    For additional information about how to manually remove MSDE, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

    320873 HOW TO: Manually Remove a Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE 2.0) Instance


    If you remove a named instance of MSDE by using the Add/Remove Programs tool, the data files of that instance of MSDE are not removed. When you install an instance of MSDE that has the same name and Data folder path as the previous instance of MSDE, the MSDE installer does not create the system databases for the new instance of MSDE because system databases exist in the specified Data folder.


    For additional information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

    302409 FIX: Unable to Connect to SQL Server 2000 When Certificate Authority Name Is the Same As the Host Name of the Windows 2000 Computer

    275307 BUG: Installation of SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine Fails on Computers That Already Have SQL Server 7.0 Tools Installed

    299351 BUG: MSDE Installation Fails on Systems That Have SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 1 or 2 Installed

    Last Reviewed: 4/23/2003

  • if you look at my original post one of the 1st things I did was clean out the registry and directory (which meant I deleted the C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server directory). Sorry, I should have been more specific

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