Network libraries TCP/IP Named Pipes

  • Any input will be appreciated!!!

    **We have a SQL Server 2000 Cluster.

    **Server Network Utility is configured the same on both nodes.

    **Client Network utilities are configured the same on both nodes.

    **There are 4 application servers that access the clustered database.

    Last week all of the connections were using the TCP/IP libraries. We moved SQL Server to the other node, and now the connections are using a both Named Pipes and TCP/IP. Plus, we are not losing any connections now.

    Please, please, please, share any thoughts or opinions.



    "Keep Your Stick On the Ice" ..Red Green

  • Ooops

    I never said what I was looking for... I am hoping to find all/any reasons why there was a change in the use of the network libraries..

    << Jeff

    "Keep Your Stick On the Ice" ..Red Green

  • Do you have any workstations configured with named pipe in client network utility to access SQL Serevr without going through your application servers?

    You can change the network access order by clicking the up and down arrow in client network library. Please make sure TCP/IP is set before the named pipe.

    Use following statement to find out who are using named pipe.

    select hostname, nt_domain, nt_username, net_library, loginame

    from sysprocesses

    where net_library <> ' '

    order by net_library

    Edited by - Allen_Cui on 05/12/2003 1:09:48 PM

  • The client configuration never changed. Only the active node of the cluster. All client's are set with TCP/IP first. The odd thing is that the named pipe connections are working...TCP/IP were failing at random.

    Still trying to figure out why the use of the network libraries changed when the cluster was failed over.

    "Keep Your Stick On the Ice" ..Red Green

  • when you installed SS2K was tcp/ip and named pipes enabled/selected?

  • quote:

    TCP/IP were failing at random.

    Do you see any error messages for above failing?

    Check the network protocols configuration to see whether they are same on both nodes in Windows 2000.

  • Nope. No errors on the SQL Server side. Only errors visible came through SAP.

    "Keep Your Stick On the Ice" ..Red Green

  • We are running SAP too and the application servers connect to database using TCP/IP. Maybe you should search SAP notes for those errors.

  • Had a similar problem recently after an SP3 upgrade (SKL2K Active/Active cluster).

    With Named Pipes installed, the automatic TCP/IP port detection stopped working, and the only way to connect using TCP/IP was to create an alias server for the server with the actual TCP/IP port number using the Client Network Utility.

    After removing Named Pipes from both server and client, we were able to remove the Alias and the automatic port detection worked again!!

  • Is that W2K SP3 or SQL Server SP3?

    Just checking. Thanks!!

    "Keep Your Stick On the Ice" ..Red Green

  • The error was after a SQL2K upgrade to SP3.

  • This KB should answer your question.;en-us;328383

  • We installed a new instance of SQL2K. No one could connect to it. I checked and the client utilities all listed TCP/IP over named pipes. I changed the order so that named pipes was first and viola! people were able to connect.


    Quand on parle du loup, on en voit la queue

  • Check SQL Server errorlog to see whether you have an entry "SQL server listening on TCP, Shared Memory, Named Pipes.".

    Select * from sysprocesses to verify which protocol your users connect to SQL Server.

  • ians,

    Did you check the failover capability after removing named pipes.We had a simillar problem and from what i understood from microsoft was that you do need named pipes for failover. we had to undergo registry changes. Can you please let me know about your failover capability at present and also let me know if you need any details for the registry change we underwent.

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