what is the fastest insert process?

  • There is a client which needs to insert 100,000 records to a table every minute then what would be the best approach?

    Here are Test statistics.

    about 80KB data, 5000 rows takes....

    ODBC with AUTOCOMMIT OFF = 13263 ms

    ODBC with AUTOCOMMIT ON = 20110 ms

    ADO with AutoCommit OFF = 16296 ms

    ADO with AutoCommit ON = 22016 ms

    Query Analyzer with AutoCommit OFF = 1076 ms

    Query Analyzer with AutoCommit ON = 6813 ms

    I believe I should be able to achieve performance atleast equal to Query analyzer.



  • Have you tried bulk insert or bcp? These are non logged inserts so might be even quicker.


  • I agree bulk insert or bcp probably makes sense - if your app works that way. If you're doing 100,000 single record inserts, harder to manage. Might want to consider inserting into a staging table that has no indexes or constraints, then push from there to the main table using a job.



  • It is a kind of data collection application so it doesn't have all 100,000 rows at a time; but Idea is we need fast insert mechanism. So I think bcp may not work for this app. I am thinking about staging table also. Is it a supported feature or just mimic by creating a replica table or original. Here problem is indexes; we have autoIndex on and I am afraid even the staging table will get the indexes.

    Please give me little more ideas. I appreciate you guys.


  • Well, if bcp isn't an option, I agree with Andy's recommendation. If you create a stored proc that performs the staging insert into a copy of the target table, you may see performance at least as good as Query Analyzer.

    Now, I'm not clear on what you meant by AutoIndex. Is the PK on the target table an Identity column?

    Also, what's the format of the inbound data? Text, SQL Data, Access, Excel, etc...?


  • It is C++/VB application which collects data from various apps and the format of data doesn't make more sense because it is all collected data a row at a time. I tried to put Begin tran and Commit between every 5000 rows and it gave little performance improvement. Next I am going to try staging table also.

    Auto Index is a feature of SQL server which crates indexes on the tables by its own optimization mechanism as per usage.

  • I tested the Staging table (a copy of the original table schmema with no index, no contraints) doesn't help because perfomance is still same.

    Any other ideas please!!

  • Cant think of much else. With that many inserts you're going to be creating a lot of pages, doing a lot of logging, so it would help to have the space pre-allocated. If you use a clustered index, you'll have to think carefully about where it goes, could create a bottleneck.

    The other way would be to submit multiple batches at once - do parallel inserts.



  • Any idea or link to the infromation of using ADO for bulk insert/bcp.

    I know There is an IRowsetFastLoad interface; but does anybody have sample for using it with VB/ADO.

    Thanks for your time.

  • We use XML inserts for this type of mass insert. We format an xml document in chunks of about 1000-5000 records, then call one single XML insert statement. We insert millions of rows every night and it goes pretty quick. You might want to increase your batch size.



  • Darren, May you please point me to some link how to use this XML insert mechanism. Or some sample code.

    Thanks for your time.

  • CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.spCustomerXMLIM01

    @XmlDoc text


    DECLARE @docID int

    EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @docID OUTPUT, @XmlDoc

    INSERT INTO tCustomer

    SELECT * FROM OPENXML(@docID, '/ROOT/spCustomerIS01', 1) WITH tCustomer

    EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @docID


    The xml document is formatted with the detail records as XML attributes. We format this on the fly so I don't have an example of the XML doc.



  • Also, you may find some additional help in BOL under topic "using OPENXML" or "Retrieving and Writing XML Data"



  • Thanks Darren. I am going to try this stuff.

  • You may also want to look at your database settings. For example changing from full logged to bulk logged or simple - this will have reprocutions on your backup, but it will also increase you insert times.

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