DTS CreateProcessTask Fails When Called From Job


    I have a DTS package that uses an Execute Process Task.  The Execute Process Task Opens CoreFTP and connects to a secure FTP site to download extract files to be used in the Transform. 

    The DTS Package executes fine when run by itself.  But the ETL process calls for this DTS Package to be called from a SQL Server Agent Job.  When called from the Job the Execute Process Task Does not connect to the FTP site using the preconfigured parameters, i.e., PORT, UserName, Password, SSL, etc.

    Because I have the evaluation version of COREFTP, a dialog box is opened even when run in Silent mode.  Therefore, I had to set SQL Server Agent Service to allow it to Interact With The Desktop. 

    Does anyone know why the DTS Task fails only when executed through the Jobs Service?


    Thanks in advance for your help,


  • Sounds like a permission problem.

    Make sure that the account that sql server agent is running under has the right permissions.

    Also check your sql server settings by running dcomcnfg.exe from the command prompt and add the SQL Service account to Default Access Permissions under Default Security tab. I know you need this to create an object in a folder, so you may need it here as well.

    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

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