Naming Text File Export file

  • Hi,

    I am completely new to DTS and need some help.  I am trying to create a text file using a global variable and the Dynamic Properties Task to append the date and database name to the file name.   I have created a SQL Task with the query to append the date but I do not know how to get the database name.  Also how do I then use that file name in the DTS Transformation Task instead of outputting to the file data source I created. 

    Many Thanks in advance


  • One of the easiest ways of doing this is to have global variables to hold the following:

    Database Name = gvDatabase

    File Base Path = gv FileBasePath

    Destination File = DestinFile

    Create an ActiveX Script task that basically does the following:

    Function Main()

     Dim strMonth

     Dim strDate

     Dim strFileDate

     Dim iLength

     Dim i


     DTSGlobalVariables("gvDestinFile").Value = ""

     strDate = Date

     strMonth = Date

     iLength = Len(strDate)

     strFolder = ""


     Do While Len(strDate) <> 0

         If InStr(1, strDate, "/") > 0 Then

             strFileDate = strFileDate & Mid(strDate, 1, InStr(1, strDate, "/") - 1)

             strDate = Mid(strDate, 4)


             strFileDate = strFileDate & strDate

             strDate = ""

         End If


     DTSGlobalVariables("gvDestinFile").Value = DTSGlobalVariables("gvFileBasePath").Value & "\myfile" & strFileDate & DTSGlobalVariables("gvDestinFile").Value & ".txt"

     Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

    This basically gets you a global variable that can then be used to set your Destination object's path using the Dynamic Properties task. 



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