Cannot import Paradox file from the Server ???

  • keep getting on Error messages on my package: (running on Windows Server 2000 SP4 & MS-SQL 2000 SP3)

    Context:Error calling open rowset on the provider... Error Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers


    funny... but it works fine from my Workstation (XP pro SP-1)

    any suggestion guys ??


    thx for the attention

  • You cannot open Paradox files that are being used by other users unless you are looking at the same locking file) file as whoever is using it... you may find that the xp machine is looking at the correct file.

    Best bet is to get every body out of the database or copy it so that you know it isn't being used...

    Hope this makes sense..





  • that's what I tought, but even after I've copy the *.DB files to server (using jobs, so I'm sure nobody using those files.. coz I'm using a copy of prod. files) still I get the same error message.. 

    should I copy the locking file either ??


    thx for the response

  • Sorry, I forgot to mention that you have to delete the lock files..... PDOXUSRS.LCK and PARADOX.LCK need to be removed from the copied files... These two files should be in the directory with the data files.



  • as I mention before that I use a copy of (*.DB) prod. files (located in other PC) to import data

    So I'm think this is not about the locking issue.. (however I'm grateful for the info about Paradox lock files which is I'm not familiar)

    this is the complete error messg. (when importing data from Server!! but it works fine from my PC) :

    Error Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers

    Error Description: [Microsoft] [ODBC Paradox Driver] The Microsoft Jet database engine could not find the object 'ACTIVATED'. Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name correctly.

    Context: Error calling OpenRowset on the provider.

    I'm sure I define and spell everything is right on the DSN files (it works fine from anywhere except from the Server itself... ), our SysAdmin are very sure that he already installs the latest MDAC component (ODBC drivers on that Server)

    SO What Else Could be the Problem ??? (Is there any 'Microsoft' guys or SQL-Guru that can help me on this ?)



    Nathan (headache now..) 

  • Nathan,

    Did you end up finding a solution to your Paradox import issues?

    I'm also finding frustrating error that the file is not the "expected format" when trying to import paradox file on my Server using the Paradox drivers in DTS.

    However when I run microsoft access 2000 on my local PC I can import and see the file no problems.

    I suppose it could be something like the Access drivers are different on my PC to the servers drivers... Does anyone know what version of Microsoft Paradox Drivers I should be using on my Server?




  • Hi Fraser,

    If you can get access to the database through Access, do what i do when I can't get into Oracle and get to the Paradox data through a link to Access... I have found that this works well for me. Do the Link to the database / tables in Access and use the DTS to get the data via that link in Access. I had to do that for our Photo ID system and a couple of other databases.

    I hope that this makes sense and works for you.



  • Thanks Michael,

    I was going to use that exact strategy but I eventually found that the Microsoft Paradox Connection in DTS started working with the tables I needed after I installed BDE (5.1) on the server.

    I tried all sorts of methods prior - including Microsoft Paradox ODBC driver.

    So I'd say that Microsoft Paradox drivers needed to interface through this version of the BDE to be able to access the tables successfully.

    Interesting - not completely sure why but it works now!


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