Creating a Database from a SP

  • Hi ,

    I needed to create a Db, by reading a script which contains the table creation scripts

    How can I do this?

    My Blog:

  • Hello,

    Try the following:

    declare @TableCreateStr VARCHAR(8000)

    SET @TableCreateStr = 'CREATE TABLE TmpTbl (Col1 Int NULL)'

    exec (@TableCreateStr)

    Your only task now is to read the external file into the variable @TableCreateStr.  I would probably use BCP to load the external file into a table.  Once the data was in a table, then I would concatenate the rows into a varchar variable, and exec the variable as shown above. 

    There are probably faster ways to load the external file into a variable, but BCP is the method of choice in the environment I work in.

    Hope this helps


  • I agree with Wayne. Load into a table and work with it. Or execute the script with xp_cmdshell calling isql.

  • thankx you both,

    but the my problem is i have a lengthey script. if I need any changes to be done then I have to modify the sp again

    so my requirement is some thing liek this

    Exec spCreateDb 'Tdb'

    by executing this

    1. it should create a db by the name of the Tdb which I have done

    2. then from the given path (Hard coded) script should be read and execute it. at later stage only i have to do is the replacing the scripts.( NB this script contains the all the table/ sp/ view creation scripts)

    Thankx in advance

    My Blog:

  • Could you explain a little more on why you want this packaged into a stored procedure? I don't quite see the point of it, if practically everything else is already in a script - why not then have the CREATE DATABASE statement in there as well?


  • Is there a way to generate db script automatically based on schedule? May be some third party tools. 

  • Again, why would one want to do that? Generating databases automatically is in general not 'normal', so to speak. Is there any special circumstances which makes this the 'best' choice?


  • I need to generate full db script every week as DBA documentation. Want to do it automatically on schedule.

  • Ah, I see.

    This would probably be easiest by DMO (same stuff as EM uses) Probably someone has already put something together for this purpose, though I don't know of any right away. But try to google some.


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