Function that takes Average of TOP N records

  • I would like to create a function that returns the average of the top n

    records in a table (where 'n' is a parameter).

    The only way I can think of doing this is in a stored proc by:

    (1) Creating a dynamic SQL statement SELECT TOP @N FROM THETABLE

    (2) Taking the average of that.

    Unfortunately, can not call a stored proc from a function (or a view) and

    can not use dynamic sql (EXEC) in a function

    Table Example

    Date        Amount

    1/1/2004      5

    1/4/2004      8

    1/11/2004     7

    1/23/2004     6

    1/25/2004     9

    1/28/2004     7

    1/29/2004     11

    1/31/2004     12

    Assuming Function is called TopAverage. 

    TopAverage (3) = 6.66667 (5+8+7)/3

    TopAverage (6) = 7.00 (5+8+7+6+9+7)/6

  • Hi Dan, this question appears to be fairly common with no easy answer due to limitations of UDF.

    Try this script below, hopefully it will do what you want.


    CREATE FUNCTION udf_Top_Average  (@top_n int)

    RETURNS decimal(18,2)




       DECLARE @tbl table (value numeric)


       INSERT INTO @tbl

          SELECT a.Amount

          FROM THETABLE a

             inner join THETABLE b

             on a.PK_COLUMN >= b. PK_COLUMN

          GROUP BY a.Amount

          HAVING count(*) <= @top_n


       RETURN (select avg(value) from @tbl)




    Use your table and column names. May not be the most elegant solution, but it should do the trick.

    To test: select dbo.udf_Top_Average(3)


    All the best.


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