Stored procedure problem please help

  • Hello

    I have a stored procedure that returns a value correctly the first time through a application an hour later the stored procedure returns the value again with wrong data.

    First Time = Returns a parent with child results (correct)

    Second time - Returns the same parent with different child results (incorrect)

    When executing it through the database all result come back correctly.

    This has happen three times yesterday.

    stored proc

    CREATE procedure prProcessFSM500


    @LineId  smallint  --14 for FSM500

    ,@ClientId int

    ,@Cards  varchar(1000)

    ,@ProductId int   --passed in by app as user selects product

    ,@OrderId int  output --set on first call when = 0, then app returns same value

    ,@BrickId varchar(20) output --MES generated

    ,@ClientOrderNr varchar(30) output

    ,@Denom  varchar(25) output

    ,@TestMode bit = 0

    ,@Error  uderror  output




    declare @CardsTable table (

        ItemId varchar(20)


    declare @CardsCount  tinyint

     ,@POID   int

     ,@ProductTypeId  char(1)

     ,@PackingTypeId  smallint

     ,@MachineId  smallint

     ,@Weight  real

     ,@BrickIdVerify  varchar(20)

     ,@BrickVerifyCount int

     set nocount on

     insert @CardsTable (ItemId)

      select ListItem

      from fnListToRows(@Cards, ',')

     --select * from @CardsTable --???

     select top 1 @Error = ''

      ,@POID = I.POID

      ,@OrderId = case @OrderId when 0 then PO.OrderId else @OrderId end --first call from app will not have the orderid

      ,@ClientOrderNr = O.ClientOrderNr

     from @CardsTable C

     join tbItem I (nolock)

      on C.ItemId = I.ItemId

      and i.clientid = @ClientId

      and i.productid = @ProductId  

     join tbProductionOrder PO (nolock)

      on I.POID = PO.POID

     join tbOrder O (nolock)

      on PO.OrderId = O.OrderId

     --select @Error Error, @POID POID, @OrderId OrderId, @clientOrderNr CON --???

     select @CardsCount = count(*)

     from @CardsTable C

     join tbItem I (nolock)

      on c.itemid = i.itemid

      and i.clientid = @ClientId

      and i.productid = @ProductId

      and i.parentitemid is null

      and i.ItemStatusId in (1,5,6)  -- '1=GOOD,5=REMOVED,6=FINISHED'

     join tbProductionOrder PO (nolock)

      on I.POID = PO.POID

      and PO.OrderId = @OrderId

     --select @CardsCount CardsCount  --???

     if @CardsCount <> 10

      select @Error = 'Only ' + convert(varchar,@CardsCount) + ' unpacked cards found for this Client, Order, Product with status GOOD, REMOVED or FINISHED'



      select  @ProductTypeId = ProductTypeId

       ,@MachineId = MachineId

      From  tbMachineLine (nolock)

      Where LineId = @LineId


      If  @@Rowcount <> 1

       Select  @Error = 'No Product Type for Line '+ convert(varchar, @LineId)



       -- Get the PackingTypeId for the Product and ProductType

       select  @Weight = P.Weight

        ,@Denom = rtrim(DenomPrefix) + Denom

        ,@PackingTypeId = PT.PackingTypeId

       From  tbProduct P (nolock)

       join tbPackingType PT (nolock)

        on P.ProductId = PT.ProductId

        and P.ProductTypeId = PT.ProductTypeId

       Where P.ProductId = @ProductId

       and  P.ProductTypeId = @ProductTypeId

       If  @@Rowcount <> 1

        Select  @Error = 'Error retrieving Weight or Packing Type for Product '+ convert(varchar,@ProductId)+' and Type '+convert(varchar, @ProductTypeId)

       else if @TestMode = 1

        select @BrickId = 'ABCD' + replace(convert(varchar, getdate(), 14),':','')     



        exec  prUpdBrickParentTbItem_FSM500

         @Error output






         ,null  --Old tracking number


         ,0   -- @InitialWeight

         ,@Weight -- @Weight


         ,null  -- SGSNo

         ,@BrickId output


        if isnull(@Error, '') = ''

         if isnull(@BrickId, '') = ''

          select @Error = 'Error inserting / updating brick and cards'

         else if (

          select count(*)

          from @CardsTable C

          join tbItem I (nolock)

           on C.ItemId = I.ItemId

          where I.parentitemid = @BrickId

          and I.clientid = @ClientId

         &nbsp <> 10

          select @Error = 'Error inserting / updating brick and cards'






    Not sure if this has being cached if so the how do i remove the result set from cache. I only know of removing the stored proc from cache DBCC FREEPROCCACHE Is there any way of avoiding this from happening

    The stored procedure is executed from the database every 5 sec.

    Please advise



  • I won't pretend that I understand what the proc is doing, but I would look at two things:

    either the app is sending the wrong parameters?

    or if you have connection pooling set to ON, this might be messing it up?

    Just speculating, though...


  • I'd dig into the data. If it's returning things you don't expect, I usually look for data problems.

  • Digging into the data is always a good idea, though the poster explained it as the 'error' occured when running from the app, but when validating the same thing 'directly' it worked as expected - thus the data should be ok...

    At least that's how I understood the problem...


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