Tracking database growth

  • Does anyone have an automated process for tracking database growth ?  I guess what I am looking for is a stored prod to run to insert info on database size into a table and be able to query that table to see growth of a database over time. Currently I manually go into Ent. manager once a month and use taskpad and keep this info in a word doc.

  • Search the script section on this site, for example

    I use this

    set nocount on


    Create the temp tables to hold the results of DBCC

    commands until the information is entered into



    CREATE TABLE #logspace

     (DBName varchar( 100),

     LogSize float,

     PrcntUsed float,

     status int)

    CREATE TABLE #dataspace

     (FileID  int,

     FileGrp  int,

     TotExt int,

     UsdExt  int,

     LFileNm varchar( 100),

     PFileNm varchar( 100))


    Get the log space


    INSERT INTO #logspace

       EXEC ('dbcc sqlperf( logspace)')

    insert DatabaseSpaceUsage

    select dbname,


     (logsize * (PrcntUsed/100)),

     PrcntUsed,  --(1 - ( PrcntUsed / 100))*100,




    from #logspace


    Get the data space

    Use a cursor to loop through the results from DBCC

    since you have to run this command from each database

    with a USE command.


    declare @db char( 40), @cmd char( 500)

    declare dbname cursor

     for select DBName from #logspace

    open dbname

    fetch next from dbname into @db

    while @@fetch_status = 0


     select @cmd = 'use [' + rtrim( @db) + '] dbcc showfilestats'

     insert #dataspace

      exec( @cmd)

     insert DatabaseSpaceUsage

     select substring( lFileNM, 1, 20),

      ((cast(TotExt as numeric( 18, 4))* 32) / 512),

      ((cast(UsdExt as numeric( 18, 4))* 32) / 512),

    (cast(UsdExt as numeric( 18, 4)) * 100) / cast(TotExt as numeric( 18, 4)),

      --((cast(TotExt - UsdExt as numeric( 18, 4))* 32) / 512),




     from #dataspace

     fetch next from dbname into @db

     delete #dataspace


    deallocate dbname


    Drop the temporary tables


    drop table #logspace

    drop table #dataspace

    It is based on examples on this site, might even been the one I linked above



    p.s. I run this daily as a scheduled job before my database backups (so that the log file stats are accurate)

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Hope this link help you out



  • I track remaining free space per drive (from xp_fixeddrives) on my production servers by running a scheduled job on each server every four hours that adds the free space for data, log, and backup drives to a table.  I then created a spreadsheet with an autostart macro that connects to each server and pulls down new data from each server.  The numeric data goes to hidden pages, the visible page is a graph that shows a line for every drive.  It is immediately obvious with a quick glance whether there are any sudden dips.

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