Forum Date Format

  • I noticed that the forum date format is DD/MM/YYYY (15/03/2007 05:26:00).

    Is this a recent change or maybe a mistake?

    If you want to go with an international date format, why not use the ISO format, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS?



  • It used to be the other way, the way the US uses it. I wonder if the switch-over is due to moving servers from the US to UK?


    K. Brian Kelley

  • As a followup, looks like Steve and crew are aware of the issue:



    K. Brian Kelley

  • We're digging in. It has to be something with the forum software. All the other dates in ASP and on other sites are working in US format. Servers are set to US format, MST, but not working for some reason.

    We'll be on it first thing Mon am with the vendor.

  • FWIW, those of us in the ROW (rest of the World) would like to see something other than the US format. For dates in the first twelve days of every month, we have to guess what date is meant. Only the International (yyyy-mm-dd) is self-describing and explicit. So it would be cool if you would use it. Even the ROW format dd-mm-yyyy leaves you guessing.

    The International format also sorts properly even when in character format!!

    (Canadian Lurker)

  • Interesting. I did no even notice the dates seeing as I am more intrested in the content.  Not being a web operson in any way shape or form ... is there not a way to have it displayed on the web pages based on the individual computer's defalt date settings ? I'm sure that this would satisfy everyone. After all behind the scenes in the database the storage is just plain ole 'datetime' ...

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • I admit to being confused for first 12 days of each month with the US and ROW formats, so make that 2 votes from Canada for the Internalional format (yyyy-mm-dd), eh!

    Besides: it's easiest to ramp up my memory with what changes least often, the year, and work up to those pesky days.

  • This is a SQL Server the DATE TIME format should be YYYYMMDD HH:SS:MM.

    At least that's my 2 cents.


  • Stardate, anyone?


    K. Brian Kelley

  • If you want to follow the ISO8601 standard, then it's:


    (Might want to flip your minutes and seconds around there, SQLBill )

  • ARGH! I needed sleep that day - or maybe I WAS asleep.


  • non ECC RAM ... hmmm ... parity hits ... hmmm ...

    penny-wise and pound foolish

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • Greetings to all you great members,

    Speaking about date format, I am in a little problem. I made a dataset and I want to use a query that gives this meaning:

    Select * from (TableName) where birthdate = Nothing

    I mean the Birthdate column is empty. Which expression replaces the word "Nothing" here.

    Thanks in advance.

  • SELECT * FROM (TableName) WHERE birthdate IS NULL


    K. Brian Kelley

  • Before anything, I want to express my thanks for your quick answer.

    I appreciate your help it is of great value to me.

    Again thank you very much.

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