DBCC shrink file does not shrink the data file?

  • Hi !


    I have problem with the DBCC shrink file command. I have a datafile  thats is 133 Gb big and 69 Gb freee spce on the datafile. I have tried to shrink this data file with the comamnd DBCC shrink file (<data file name>, 130 000)  but the size on the datafile is the same as before the shrink command and no error on the shrink command.

    Does I need to run somthing to refresh the information that the shrink command did or did the shrink command not shrink the database file?

    I hope somone can help me.

    Regards ///Ulf Fernholm

  • Why don't you use 70000 instead of 130000 which is too close to 133000 MB?

  • DBCC shrink command take very long time, so because of that we only s´hrink the database file with 3 Gb and it this 3 Gb did take 4 hours to be complete.

    There is two datafile on the database and the first database file i ddin't have any problem to shrink the file but on the second datafile I have problem to shrink it.

  • Did u backup before?

    try this..

    backup LOG DBNAME with truncate_only



  • The backup have been done the night/morning before the shrink command statement where executed on lunchtime.

    We will not shrink the logfile, becuase we don't need to do that.


  • Hey use this piece of code

    EXEC sp_dboption gl_rnd, 'trunc. log on chkpt.', 'True'


    DBCC SHRINKFILE ('gl_rnd_log',100,Truncateonly)

    here gl_rnd is databasse name

    and gl_rnd_log is logical name of log file

    This wrks!!!

    can somebody answer the query i posted o


  • Thanks I will try and see if its will work


    Thanks in advanced Ulf Fernholm

  • you may want to refresh statistics before you go on ...


    '-- Usage ' + db_name() + ' ' + convert(varchar(25),getdate(),121) ;


    UPDATEUSAGE (0) with count_rows ;


    '-- Usage Statistics ' + db_name() + ' ' + convert(varchar(25),getdate(),121) ;


    sp_updatestats ;


    then have a look at the numbers again.


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  • I try this command tomorrow to se if it will help me. I think you have right

    the database doesnt show the right information and to update the statistics will proberly

    give me the right answer on the size of the database after the DBCC shrinkfile statement

    regards Ulf Fernholm


    If you're shrinking a large file, I would run dbcc updateusage first.  Then start shrinking the database in small increments.  You might find that your shrink fails if you specify a large size to shrink by.  Usually this shrink process is prone to being a deadlock victim.  Shrink multiple times via small sizes.  That has always brought success for me in shrinking data files.

    Sorry, I didn't read the entire posting(s) clearly.  Since you're not concerned with shrinking the log, disregard my posting from below....

    Better if you don't truncate the log.

    You need to look into the situation and find out why it doesn't shrink.

    Is the Database configured for replication?  This might be why it won't shrink because there might be transactions marked for replication and will stay there until the distributor picks them up.


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