Access rights

  • I'm coding a db (not in the 'sysadmin' role).

    Sometimes, when I try to generate a script from a table of my db, I get the error 916 (Server user 'xx' is not a valid user in database 'yy'.).

    The situation occurs more frequently in EM, but sometimes also in QA (not sure of the error number there).

    My db is the 'first' of the server in alphabetical order. The other one is the second. Appart from that, nothing special.

    Any hint appreciated,


  • When I don't get the error, it does (for the whole db or parts of it).

    If I get the error, I can't get anything back, and it's logical in a way, because 'it' assumes I can't have access to this part of the server.

    When I get the error, I can come back sometimes 5 minutes later, and generate it w/o problem. Sometimes, it's stuck for hours.

    Great at lunchtime, but otherwise...


    ps: when the script generate, it's correct (conform to what I coded, and it can be used to generate the db on another station -tried it).

  • If your server is physically remote from your location, you may actually be experiencing timeouts due to slow networking connection, congestion or the other usual suspects. Try increasing the timeout value on your connection and see if that helps.

  • Connection timeout was 600sec. Got it at 720, no change.

    Server is three floors up (connection 100meg).

    Sometimes, I can get a 'no' on a script generation, but I can design the table.

    Sometimes, even after a long wait, I can generate a script.

    Sometimes, after a wait that looks the same, I get errors. Even when I'm the only one working on the server.

    Thanks for clues


  • quote:

    Server is three floors up (connection 100meg).

    If you have physical access to the server, run up and see if you have the same response delays as you do connecting over the ether. That would at least rule out the network as the cause. It wouldn't help identify it but if you rule out enough things ....

  • Also, try from another machine where you are at to rulle out possible client install issue.

  • Tried it from the server, with admin privilege. Everything looks ok from there, but it's tricky because of the intermittent nature of the problem.

    Next thing to do will probably be to format another machine and see, I guess. I'd really like to know what's wrong with this one, still.


  • I understand and it could be as simple as network timeouts on your end. But I would test from another machine. If fails on another machine my vote will go network. If works fine on another machine then something in the install, including possibly the NIC drivers or hardware, but is a machine specific issue at that point.

  • Doesn't work on another machine (problem occurs).

    Doesn't work on a machine 2ft away from server.

    As always, on and off.

    Could installation of SQL Server on the Server be the cause? Could the user be corrupted?

    The db was created on the server and never moved.

    Thanks for clues


    ps: I wasn't sure of the error number in QA because there's none 🙂

  • What an evolving world we live in...

    Latest news:

    I executed a proc from a client account with incorrect data (// in int field). The error message was generated, no pb.

    I executed the same proc, with other data, also incorrect (wrong letters in a field). The message generated was similar to 'execute permission denied'. But I didn't touch the permission panel between the two commands.

    In homogeneous situation, I would have had the 'execute' message in either both situations, or in none, and have two tests on values. But everything isn't always homogeneous, I guess...


    ps: in this case, info was send through asp site (message in debug)

    Edited by - elno on 12/05/2002 3:00:22 PM

  • Ok, setup profiler on the server and see if it shows anything specific would be my next spot to look. Watch what happens and see if any events occur taht may be related. You could also setup netmon to view the actual packets and see if anything odd occurrs.

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