VB forum and advanced search?

  • I use SQL server a lot in my job and having found the site in the past year and find it very informative I have often wondered why there is no VB forum. Surely a lot of users use VB in relation to SQL server. I've seen various articles about how to use ADO to connect to data stored in SQL server, but when I have a problem I find it hard to know where to either look for an answer or post a new topic as VB related questions don't seem to fit into the relevant forums. I often have to go to other sites to find answers. I can understand the site not wanting to become overloaded, but it would be useful. I can't believe I am the only one who thinks this. If not a VB forum then offering some advice on the best VB sites to get advice from would be useful?

    Also an advanced search feature would be useful. Sometimes I only want to search the forums but get overloaded from responses in articles that aren't really what I am interested in. Also searching by date of post, user of post etc etc etc would be really useful.

    Any thoughts?


  • On the search, we'll see. We had something like that back in the beginning, but had a few problems with it, so we tried solution #2, now we're on #3!

    As far as a VB forum, maybe. We want to stay focused on SQL, yet clearly DBA's and developers both are concerned with data access via ADO and ADO.Net. I think we could probably go that far, but I don't think we want to host discussions about using a listbox vs a listview, etc. Not that there is anything wrong with those, but we can't be all things to all people. I guess would depend on the traffic and if we could keep up. Give us a day or two, we'll decide one way or the other.



  • I totally agree with you, there are other sites for that kind of thing. I only mention it as a database programmer who uses SQL server 2000, building systems using Stored Procedures, Functions, Views, DTS etc etc etc. I often use VB to control the applications that I build as I find it easier to produce a nice clean front end, get user input, and do some tasks that seem quite manual or cumbersome in SQL server itself like creating and assigning global variables in DTS scripts is easier using VB. It should be directly related, as you say listboxes and other such things are not really relevant and for other sites to accomodate.

  • I guess it is because VB is still considered an easy-to-learn language.

    There are countless sites with free code around, but I agree that when you need to solve a specific not every day issue you're pretty much on you're own.

    As it seems that SQL Server goes hand in hand VB or its dialects, I would always post DB programming related question here. At a minimum you'll get a response that no one knows a solution. Even this is not guaranteed on the programming forums I know.




    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • We're going to add VB in the next few days, see how it goes.



  • Instead of adding a VB forum, why not create a Front-End Applications forum. Kind of a catch-all.

    Also, can the General forums be 'cleaned' up? There are two General forums (last time I looked). I mentioned this once before and was told they were for different things so maybe renaming them should be considered:

    GENERAL - Programming


    When adding new forums please consider if the forum name can stand-alone or is the forum a subforum to another section. In the case of the two General forums the answer is NO. One is for the Programming area and the other one is for something else.

    Thanks for the great site.


  • Also there are two Administration forums:

    Notification Services

    - Administration

    SQL Server

    - Administration

    But since the forum name is JUST Administration, how is a poster supposed to know the difference?


  • Im not ignoring you, I just havent gotten there yet. Once the new forums are up, we'll adjust as needed.



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