Workflow not Working

  • I have a package that contains 3 "Execute Package" tasks, using the "On Success" workflow they execute sequentially, on after another.  If the first or second task would fail the remaining should not execute.

    When I execute this package, from my pc, the workflow does not work, if the first or second task fails the next package starts running.

    If I use "Remote Desktop" and long onto the SQL Server the package works properly.

    If one of my coworkers executes the package from thier PC the package works correctly, this was tried on 2 other pc's and the package/workflow worked.

    I tested out a similar package and had the same results.

    Any Ideas?










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  • Mate,

    I am have a similar probelm, but it seems that I am on SQL2kSP1, currently upgrading to SP3a also found some other stuff on google which requires you to not use FAST LOAD and set the MAX ERROR COUNT to 1 for the task.

    Let me know if this helps.

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