SQL server 2008 Build List

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item SQL server 2008 Build List

  • CU1 was released 9/23 (Tuesday) and brings the version to 10.0.1763



    "There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies. And the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies."
    Tony Hoare

    "If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur." Red Adair.

  • This knowledge base article keeps me up-to-date:

    The SQL Server 2008 builds that were released after SQL Server 2008 was released


    And, this one is useful, too, for both SQL Server 2005 & 2008:

    Where you can find more information about the SQL Server 2008 builds that were released after SQL Server 2008 and the SQL Server 2005 builds that were released after SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2


  • Thanks for the list....

  • GR8...

    Sometimes, winning is not an issue but trying.
    You can check my BLOG
    [font="Arial Black"]here[/font][/url][/right]

  • For completion, there is also build 10.00.1755.00

    This build was released on Sept. 12, containing SQL Hotfix bug number 50003434 (KB 957387)



  • Build 10.00.1763.00 Cummulative Update 1 is only available in 32-bit.

    Can not download 64 bit patch.

  • Hello guys, very usefull list, but where is "attached csv file"? I am maybe blind or stupid but I cannot see it anywhere. Thanks for reply. Petan

  • petan.lokvenc (10/7/2008)

    Hello guys, very usefull list, but where is "attached csv file"? I am maybe blind or stupid but I cannot see it anywhere. Thanks for reply. Petan

    It's still not attached to the article.

    SQL DBA.

  • Here is an excellent build list SQL Server Build List, includes ALL builds of ALL versions of SQL on a single page with links to respective KB article....

    All Thanks to DavidB for initial find...


  • Apologies on the XLS. It's attached now.

  • Steve,

    I am constantly asked to service SQL Servers that others have built. I built the following stored procedure bases on your articles on build versions that I use to evaluate servers. I'm adding it in this forum so that others can use it and update it for the community.

    Brandon Forest

    SQL Server DBA


    USE [master]


    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[usp_Determine_SQL_Version] Script Date: 02/10/2009 16:07:11 ******/

    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[usp_Determine_SQL_Version]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))

    DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_Determine_SQL_Version]


    USE [master]


    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[usp_Determine_SQL_Version] Script Date: 02/10/2009 16:07:11 ******/





    Create Procedure [dbo].[usp_Determine_SQL_Version]



    SERVERPROPERTY('ServerName') As ServerName,

    Case SERVERPROPERTY('productversion')

    --SQL Server 6.5

    When '6.50.479' Then '6.5 Service Pack 5a (SP5a) Update'

    When '6.50.416' Then '6.5 Service Pack 5a (SP5a)'

    When '6.50.415' Then '6.5 Service Pack 5 (SP5)'

    When '6.50.281' Then '6.5 Service Pack 4 (SP4)'

    When '6.50.258' Then '6.5 Service Pack 3 (SP3)'

    When '6.50.240' Then '6.5 Service Pack 2 (SP2)'

    When '6.50.213' Then '6.5 Service Pack 1 (SP1)'

    When '6.50.201' Then '6.5 RTM '

    --SQL Server 7.0

    When '7.00.1063' Then '7.0 Service Pack 4 (SP4)'

    When '7.00.961' Then '7.0 Service Pack 3 (SP3)'

    When '7.00.842' Then '7.0 Service Pack 2 (SP2)'

    When '7.00.699' Then '7.0 Service Pack 1 (SP1)'

    When '7.00.623' Then '7.0 RTM (Release To Manufacturing)'

    --SQL Server 2000

    When '8.00.194' Then '2000-RTM'

    When '8.00.384' Then '2000-SP1'

    When '8.00.534' Then '2000-SP2'

    --When '8.00.760' Then '2000-SP3'

    When '8.00.760' Then '2000-SP3a'

    When '8.00.2039' Then '2000-SP4'

    When '8.00.2162' Then '2000-SP4-HF1'

    When '8.00.2187' Then '2000-SP4-HF2'

    --SQL Server 2005

    When '9.00.1399.00' Then '2005-RTM'

    When '9.00.2047.00' Then '2005-SP1'

    When '9.00.3042.00' Then '2005-SP2'

    When '9.00.3050.00' Then '2005-SP2-HF1'

    When '9.00.3054.00' Then '2005-SP2-HF2'

    When '9.00.3186.00' Then '2005-SP2-HF3'

    When '9.00.3200.00' Then '2005-SP2-HF4'

    When '9.00.3215.00' Then '2005-SP2-HF5'

    When '9.00.3228.00' Then '2005-SP2-HF6'

    When '9.00.3239.00' Then '2005-SP2-HF7'

    When '9.00.3257.00' Then '2005-SP2-HF8'

    When '9.00.3259' Then '2005-SP2-HP8a'

    When '9.00.3282' Then '2005-SP2-HP9'

    When '9.00.4035' Then '2005-SP3'

    --SQL Server 2008

    When '10.00.1787.00' Then '2008 Hotfix 3 KB:960484'

    When '10.00.1779.00' Then '2008 Hotfix 2 KB:958186'

    When '10.00.1763.00' Then '2008 Hotfix 1 KB:956717'

    When '10.00.1755.00' Then '2008 Bugfix 2 KB:957387'

    When '10.00.1750.0' Then '2008 Bugfix 1 KB:956718'

    When '10.00.1600.22' Then '2008 RTM (Aug 2008)'

    When '10.00.1442.32' Then '2008 RC0 (June 2008)'

    When '10.00.1300' Then '2008 CTP (Feb 2008)'

    When '10.00.1075' Then '2008 CTP (Nov 2007)'

    When '10.00.1049' Then '2008 CTP (July 2007)'

    When '10.00.1019' Then '2008 CTP (June 2007)'

    --Or Else

    Else 'Undetermined'

    End As SQLVersion,

    SERVERPROPERTY('productversion') As SQLVersionNo,

    SERVERPROPERTY ('productlevel') As ServicePack,

    SERVERPROPERTY ('edition') As Edition,

    @@Version As VerboseVersion

  • Brandon ,

    thanks, and can you add this to the Scripts section as well? That way you can post a link and update that as we add items (or if I remember, I will).


  • Are there 64 bit versions of the Cummulative Updates? I can't seen to find them.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 75 total)

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