SP3 Analysis Services and Desktop Engine probs

  • My server is a Win2k Server patched to SP3 running MS SQL Server Standard. When installing the the first of the three components of the service pack "Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3," installation is flawless. However, when installing "Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3 Analysis Services" I recieve the severe error "An error occured during the move data process: -145" Also when installing "Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3 Desktop Engine" I recieve the error "The specified instance name is invalid." Can anyone help? Also since the first component installed correctly am I protected from the Slammer worm? Thanks for your help.

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • I have exactly the same problem with my Windows XP SP1 laptop, running SQL Server 2000 Developer Edition (previously SP2).

    Database components installs fine.

    Analysis services components dies with an error occurred during the move data process -145.

    MSDE dies with the "instance name is invalid"

    Doesn't help bluefmc solve it, but at least he is not alone 🙂

  • I didn't have issues with Analysis Services, but when I was patching a couple of MSDE installations I did run into that instance name problem. Though one user had the instance set as default (mssqlserver), I couldn't apply the service pack in this manner. When I specified INSTANCENAME=<computer name> it worked. The service pack found MSDE and patched. Don't ask me why. The MSDE service pack has been a bear for a lot of people.

    K. Brian Kelley


    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring


    K. Brian Kelley

  • Did some reading in microsoft.public.sqlserver.olap and some are having issues with SP3 and Analysis Services, though I don't see anyone mentioning the issue you cited. However, this is from the newsgroup:


    Subject: Re: Analysis Services SP3 issue

    From: "Richard Tkachuk [MS]" <richtk@microsoft.com>

    Newsgroups: microsoft.public.sqlserver.olap

    We've not been able to reproduce these problems here. We've tried many

    scenarios, but nothing so far. As Mark Hall pointed out in a related thread,

    we do know of issues if a "QFE" (aka "Hot Fix" ) client is used with builds

    671 and later. But these are not widely distributed and there is no known

    issue with the original, sp1 or sp2 versions of the client.

    Nonetheless, we do want to track these things down. So someone here may be

    contacting you directly to see if we can resolve the issue with your help.

    If others have related issues after sp3 has been applied, please contact me

    directly at richtk@microsoft.com. It helps if you can include some

    configuration details such as Server OS, client OS, whether sp3 on server

    and client, repository configuration (has it been migrated to SQL).

    If and when we discover something, it will be posted here.



    I know he's asking after SP3 is applied, but perhaps he may have seen it before. Likely, though, you're going to get pointed to PSS.

    K. Brian Kelley


    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring


    Edited by - bkelley on 02/04/2003 07:28:05 AM

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Do you have Analysis Services and MSDE installed on your computer? If not, there's no need to install those two and when you try, you'll get the errors you mentioned.

    Hope this helps,

    Stephen Dybing

    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

  • I honestly don't know if I have Analysis Services and MSDE installed. Sorry, but I'm a noob. How can I check this? If it helps I am running SQL Server 2000 Standard. Also since the first of the three downloadable service pack files installed correctly (only Analysis Services and MSDE failed), am I protected from Slammer?

  • You have to install Analysis Services separately. One way to check is to look at your services (run services.msc from Start | Run). If you see MSSQLServerOLAPService, you have Analysis Services. If you don't see it, you don't.

    In any case, SQL Slammer hits the SQL Server listener service. It's only a part of the core and MSDE installs.

    If you had installed MSDE in addition to your SQL Server install, you'll see another service named MSSQL$<Instance Name> where instance name can be just about anything. Think of MSDE as a stripped down version of the SQL Server core engine. That's simplifying it a bit, but it works as far as figuring out what you've got installed. That means if you are already have SQL Server installed as the "default" instance, the only way MSDE can be on there is as a named instance. The service name for a named instance begins with MSSQL$.

    K. Brian Kelley


    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring


    K. Brian Kelley

  • Brian. Your 'instancename' tip sorted out MSDE. And sure enough, I didn't have analysis services installed. Doh! Sorry for wasting your time. Thanks for the help.

  • Thanks for everyone's help. It looks like I'm fine as I don't have Analysis Services or the Desktop Engine installed. I hope this thread helps out some others who share my problems.

  • To upgrade the MSDE that installed with Office XP install on my XP Pro machine I used the command line:

    Setup.exe /upgradesp SQLRUN BLANKSAPWD=1

    and it installed just fine.

    Looking at the About... menu option in SQL Server Service manager I now see "Version 8.00.760"

    btw: even though I had to ask it to allow a blank sa password, the instance only accepts trusted connections.


    Bill Wunder

  • Another option, especially for those having real difficulties with MSDE, is to download SQL Critical Update. It won't bring you up to SP 3, but what it will do is ensure your MSDE is protected from SQL Slammer:


    K. Brian Kelley


    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring


    K. Brian Kelley

  • As for the blank SA password switch, if you don't want to fool with it, connect to the MSDE instance using Query Analyzer and use sp_password to set the SA password like you would with a full installation of SQL Server. I believe you can manage MSDE through EM as well.

    K. Brian Kelley


    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring


    K. Brian Kelley

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