shrinkDB cause SQL Problems

  • I ran a shrink Database, on a test server, via



    shrink Database

    All hell broke out. Fatal errors, sql dump, lost connection with server and this goody in log file:

    "Process ID 12 tried to remove a buffer resource lock BUF pointer = 0x11785b00, page ptr = 0x1fbd8000, pageid = (0x1:0xe1fe), dbid = 7, status = 0xb, file = c:\MSSQL7\DATA\Mydata_DB.mdf that it does not hold in SDES SDES pointer = 0x214bf9d4. Contact Technical Support.."

    Everything recovered.

    I got curious, , it is a test server.. I ran DBCC shrinkdatabase in QA. I was expecting errors, it ran perfectly. SO.. I guess when you run shrinkdatabase from Em it DOESNT run dbcc shrinkdatabase? Or is something else going on!! I also have "removed unused space" option set when running optimization. That too ran OK.



  • I ran checkdb and there are no allocations or consistency errors. For all intents and purposes the DB comes back fine after the server shuts down and recovers the DB. Strange don't you think?

  • Yes when I saw that contact tech support it threw me

    Thanks Solart

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