sqlmanager.exe error after installing SP3/sql2000

  • The sqlmangr.exe comes up and closes with and error on activation.The error is (the instruction at "0x78011601" referenced memory at "0x00de00d8", the memory could not be "read" and closing this I get one more (error unhanded exception in sqlmangr.exe(MSVCRT.DLL): 0xC0000005: Access Violation)

    The sqlmangr icon is also not getting activated in the Task bar

    Thanks in advance

  • Is this in your server or your client?

    K. Brian Kelley


    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring


    K. Brian Kelley

  • Its is on the server.

  • Sounds like the application suffered a break during the upgrade. Might try reinstall of the SP to see if corrects.

  • Problem is solved.

    I just activated the "auto start SQL agent if unexpectedly stopped" in the enterprise manager -> management -> SQL Server Agent-> Properties -> advanced


  • That's really odd. SQLmangr.exe shouldn't have anything to do with that toggle to start SQL Server Agent in case of failure.

    K. Brian Kelley


    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring


    K. Brian Kelley

  • I have a similar problem on my w2k server post SP3: I start sqlmangr.exe, and do any mouse click on the form and it disappears. Actually, I don't even need to click! Just moving the mouse over the form causes it to disappear without an error message or anything. It even disappears if I move the mouse over the system tray icon.

    Any suggestions?

  • Now that sounds cool!

    When it's up on the screen, I know it appears in Task Manager. When you mouseover it, does the process disappear from Task Manager?

    K. Brian Kelley


    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring


    K. Brian Kelley

  • Yep, I just rub it (or the icon in the tray) a little with the mouse (without clicking), and poof, it disappears from both the screen and task manager.

  • That sounds like something is crashing... but it should be reporting an error. Typically these kinds of quirks can get resolved by reapplying the service pack (I know, standard Microsoft answer), but it does work in most cases.

    Barring that, you might be able to get a dump as it crashes by using AutoDump+ in crash mode. Here's an article that describes how to set it up. It can be used on applications other than IIS. We used it to create dumps when we had some COM+ objects hanging.


    K. Brian Kelley


    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring


    K. Brian Kelley

  • I have the exact problem on 2 instances of sql server 2000. Both instances are windows 2000 sp3. Both instances had all services stopped before I loaded the patch. Both have Mcafee Netshield. My other 2 instances (one server, 1 desktop) went with no problems and have almost the same setup, but the sql services were running when I did the update and I let the update stop the services.

  • That's interesting, what you said about McAfee. I installed the web virus scan a while back, and let my subscription lapse, and can't figure out how to remove it (McAfee). I wonder if THAT is what is bolixing things up.

  • Well whaddaya think about that! I FIXED IT! I removed that lamebrained mcaffee scan mc-agent and mc-update from the system startup, and sqlmangr.exe now works!

  • I've put sp3 on 4 machines (3 2K Pro and 1 XP). All the 2K Pro machines had the problem reported by mouli at the top of this thread. The XP machine installed fine. To fix the 2K machines, I've had to remove SQL and start over -- a clean SQL followed by sp3 works fine. Would like to find a more surgical solution. There is definitely a problem with sp3 on Win 2k Pro.

  • Thre seems to be an issue if there are hidden servers on SP3 in the environment as well, though it hits intermittently. I think this is one of the bugs none of us encountered during beta testing. I had SP3 on my systems for months and Service Control Manager was always fine.

    K. Brian Kelley


    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring


    K. Brian Kelley

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