invalid column name

  • why does this return ERROR "invalid column name 'profit' "


    Sum([intquantity]*[curcost]) AS Cost, Sum([intquantity]*[curprice]) AS Price, sum(([intquantity]*[curPrice])-([intquantity]*[curcost]))AS Profit, sum((([Profit]/[Price])*10000)/100) AS [ProfitPercent]

    "The grass is always greener over the septic tank." ~Leaf

  • You don't want the SUM in the percent part, plus you can't use aliases in the SUM expression...must use the full expression. If you don't want to do this repeatedly, check out computed columns in BOL:

    Sum([intquantity]*[curcost]) AS Cost, Sum([intquantity]*[curprice]) AS Price, sum(([intquantity]*[curPrice])-([intquantity]*[curcost]))AS Profit, ((sum(([intquantity]*[curPrice])-([intquantity]*[curcost]))/Sum([intquantity]*[curprice]))*10000)/100) AS [ProfitPercent]


  • ok, how do i avoid the ERROR:

    "divide by zero error encountered"

    "The grass is always greener over the septic tank." ~Leaf

  • quote:

    ok, how do i avoid the ERROR:

    "divide by zero error encountered"

    Use a CASE expression in your SELECT to test whether the denominator is equal to zero before you perform the operation:

    CASE WHEN Denominator = 0 THEN 1
    ELSE Numerator/Denominator END

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