What's your SQLServer Biggest problem?

  • We have been developing DB tools (Large scale/enterprise level) for most vendors (Oracle, IBM/UDB/ and Sybase) we're trying to get into SQLServer. If you have to put your DBA problems, in order what would be the first 3-4 biggest problem? Is it fragmentation, performance, hot spotting, balancing, migration, daily admin,…etc what is it ?Think big.

    Thanks a lot for all the input

  • 1) Microsoft Access. It works too easily with SQL Server, but at the same time works too poorly. The result is way too many peoeple want to use it, and trying to deal with the idiotic queries and designs these rouge projects produce is a pain.

    2) Maintenance of large databases. The standard tools are inadequate for really large databases; not that they do not work, but with 100+G you need to more carefully apply reindexes and shrinks and such than the automatic stuff does.

    3) A vastly moving target in the access tools from Microsoft -- DAO, ADO, ADO.NET, VBScript, VB, VB.Net, OLEDB, XML (various types) etc... each new flavor with lots and lots of undocumented quirks. Programmers spend way more time keeping up with this than actually writing programs and doing database designs.

    Of course, other than (2) this isn't really a problem "with SQL Server", but you can't consider a database in isolation.

  • quote:

    1) Microsoft Access. It works too easily with SQL Server, but at the same time works too poorly. The result is way too many peoeple want to use it, and trying to deal with the idiotic queries and designs these rouge projects produce is a pain.

    2) Maintenance of large databases. The standard tools are inadequate for really large databases; not that they do not work, but with 100+G you need to more carefully apply reindexes and shrinks and such than the automatic stuff does.

    3) A vastly moving target in the access tools from Microsoft -- DAO, ADO, ADO.NET, VBScript, VB, VB.Net, OLEDB, XML (various types) etc... each new flavor with lots and lots of undocumented quirks. Programmers spend way more time keeping up with this than actually writing programs and doing database designs.

    Of course, other than (2) this isn't really a problem "with SQL Server", but you can't consider a database in isolation.

    For point no 2. That the impression I had. the tools are not robust. Thanks a lot for the input

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