
  • Anyone know of a good article about setting up SQL MAIL? I would like to have somethings kick out to me via email but I can't seem to follow the setup. Not much of a Outlook/Exchange guru.

  • I haven't read any article, but here is how I set it up.

    1. verify that domain\account exist as an email box.

    2. verify that sql-agent service account has access to that mail box.

    3. log on to your sql server with the sql-agent service account to install outlook.

    4. send yourself test email from outlook. If it works then that's a good sign.

    5. Switch to Enterprise Manager, server, support services, sql_mail --right click property and select the new profile you just create and then click on test.(it should let you know if it fail or success.)

    6.On Enterprise Manager, server, management,sql server agent -- right click property, mail session-mail profile-- select the new profile you just create and click on test.(it should let you know if it fail or success.)

    if both line 5 and 6 succeed. Connect to query analyser and start sending test command like: exec master..xp_sendmail 'youremailaddress@blah.com', 'test'

    I hope this help.


  • Check out KB Article # 263556 (INF: How to configure SQL MAil) and # 315886 (INF: Common SQL Mail Problems).

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