Email to SQL Server 2000

  • Could someone point me in the right direction to get emails sent to me into a SQL table. Sender, subject and body text.


  • Hi Rob,


    Could someone point me in the right direction to get emails sent to me into a SQL table. Sender, subject and body text.

    several ways to do that!

    I started with the Exchange Driver from M$. You could create linked tables to a specified folder on your Exchange Server. Maybe this driver is still available for download.

    I then utilized MAPI controls in VB to store mails. Pretty simple and straightforward, with the only disadvantage that you can only reach the inbox and not other folder.

    Next was to utilise Outlook Object library via VB. Works really fine. You could reach any folder you want.

    Now I utilise CDO. Very similar to Outlook olb, but I think more elegant.

    Do you want this directly converted from mail to table row, or do you want a small placed in between? And if the latter is VB ok for you?



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Thanks. VB is a bit over the top for what I want. If there is an Exchange driver then that would probably be OK. I'll have a look. I've heard of people using sp_process mail in script. Any thoughts?

  • xp_processmail is used for received emails in the mail box which SQL Mail uses specifically. In this case, you will have to configure all the emails you want to be put in a table to be forwarded automatically to the SQL Mail box and then use xp_processmail.

  • This sounds like the baby I'm after. Anyone know where I can go to learn all about this?

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