Installation of SP's 2 to current failing

  • I just reloaded a test workstation with Win98SE and SQL Server 7.0 w/ SP1 & MDAC Ver. 2.1.3711.11(GA). Repeated attempts to load successive SP's have failed due to an error that reads as follows:

    Microsoft Management Console 1.1 Setup

    Unable to save the setup data necessary to maintain or uninstall the application. An unknown error occured while accessing the unnamed file.

    I tried installing MMC 1.2 (the most current version) by itself and received the same error. What could be causing this and how can it be resolved? I am stuck and unable to install any further SP's.

    Thanks in advance.

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  • Havent run into that before. Good that you've isolated to MMC. You might try something like Dependency Walker to find all the dependencies, see if any that are write protected? Or just rename all of them (if not system dlls) then try installing. Depending on your time frame, might be worth a support call, or post in the MS newsgroups if you have more time.


  • Andy, Thanks for your suggestions. I ended up having to wipe my hard drive a second time and install Windows and SS 7.0 before any other apps were loaded. All of the SPs then installed successfully. It appears to have been a corrupt file somewhere. Gary

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