Service Pack 3 - missing setupsql.exe

  • Hi,

    I've just downloaded the Database Components setup file from the MS web site (sql2ksp3.exe). It unpacked OK into an install directory, but when I run setup.bat, it complains that 'x86\setup\setupsql.exe' doesn't exist - and its right - it doesn't!

    Is this directory supposed to be part of the exe I downloaded or am I supposed to get that from elsewhere?


  • You shouldn't have any problems downlading the SP from internet. Try downloading it again, maybe it downloads with errors.

  • Yeah, OK, but I've only got a 28.8K intermittent dial-up line. It took me 2 days to get this 🙁

  • I'm stumped by this one.

    I've downloaded it again and also got the Desktop exe as well (another 68 M :-(), but still no x86 directory.

    I'm convinced the downloads have worked because the resultant file size after d/l is exactly the same as the MS site says it should be and also because the exes unpack with no errors.

    Has anyone else actually used the d/ls from the web site or does everyone go with the cd?

  • I have downloaded SP3 several times from Internet and it has always worked. But the problem you mention HAS happend to a colleuge of mine when he was doing the downloading. He managed to resolve it somehow but unfortunatly I cannot say how.

    Just my 2 cents.


    P.S Maybe check for disk space free when unpacking/installing? Could be a killer...

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