Beyond 8 GB memory

  • We upgraded our server to Windows 2003 Ent edition and added extra 8 GB memory to the machine, operating system sees all 16 GB also ent mgr properties shows all 16 GB memory, I assigned 14 GB to SQL server but perf monitor only shows 7GB memory, any reason for this?

  • Which version of SQL Server you run, 32bits or 64bits? If you run 32bit SQL Serevr, Is 'AWE' enabled in SQL Server?

  • SQL 2000 ent , 32 bit, awe enabled

  • To use AWE memory, you must run the SQL Server 2000 database engine under a Windows 2000 account that has been assigned the Windows 2000 lock pages in memory privilege. Have you done that?

    How large is your database?

    Is your Windows 2003 32bits or 64bits? You need to enable 'PAE' if you run 32bit Windows.

    Edited by - allen_cui on 12/16/2003 09:10:41 AM

  • We were using this server for two years now with 8gb memory, adding additional 8 GB seems have no effect on perf, sp_configure shows min and max memory 14 GB which is correct, but perf monitor shows only 7 GB

  • Someone with more experience will need to check, but I thought that above 8GB you turned AWE off and ran with just PAE enabled.

    Steve Jones

    The Best of SQL Server 2002 -

  • According to Microsoft, /3GB and /PAE can be used at the same time up to 16GB of ram. When you said AWE was enabled, were you referring to the OS or SQL? You have to enable AWE in SQL using "sp_configure" with "awe enabled" option. Also, SQL has to be running as an account that has been assigned "lock pages in memory" privilege in the OS.

    Daniel Mosmeyer

    Edited by - mosmeyer on 12/17/2003 05:09:03 AM

    Daniel Mosmeyer

  • My new 32G system is on order. WIth W2003 EE and SQL 2k EE is that also the combination to get you to 32G usable?

  • No. You will need to remove the /3GB switch from the boot.ini file in order to access ram beyond the 16GB point.

    Daniel Mosmeyer

    Daniel Mosmeyer

  • Hi All,

    Does anyone have a link to anyplace in MS that explicitly states how much memory the different editions of SQL server 2000 can use with the different editions of Windows 2003?  I have found the old Windows 2000 matrix but can't find anything specific to the versions of 2003.

    Thanks in advance.

    Susan Shafer

    EDS Database Administration



  • Apologies if I mis-understood the statement, but if you're ordering 32G of RAM and you're not sure if you can use it, shouldn't you check first ??!!


  • Sorry for dragging up an old post.

    I am stuck with the same issue, trying to get SQL to use more than 8GBs of RAM.

    OS - Windows 2003 Advanced Server

    SQL - SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition

    /PAE has been added to the boot.ini file on the server.

    The following statement has been run on the SQL server, and the services restarted.

    sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1



    sp_configure 'awe enabled', 1



    sp_configure 'max server memory', 16384



    The account that runs SQL Services is a domain account, and has rights to 'Lock pages...'

    Still PerfMon shows a max of 8GBs.

    I have also tried to force SQL to use 16GB as min and max, no change.

    Any ideas would be grateful!



  • are you running SP4 with the hotfix? when you select @@version it should return 2040 which is SP4 plus the hotfix.

  • SQL Server 2000 (32-bit)

    SP4 - no hotfixes

    Version - Microsoft SQL Server  2000 - 8.00.2039

    What hotfix? Do you have Fix number, or link for me please?


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