Trouble with a SP - need some help please

  • I am trying to update a SP and I am getting a strange error.   I have tried several things without success.   Any help I can get would be appriecated!!

    I am trying to post some statistics and sometime the data returns a zero, so I was trying to make my query alitte smarter by checking for zero first.  Here is the SP.





    --/****** Object:  Stored Procedure sp_Segmentation_Stats ******/

    --/****** This is used watch DS4 Segementation Statistics ****/

    ALTER       PROCEDURE sp_Segmentation_Stats AS

    declare @query varchar(4000)

    /* NIBS cust survey segmentation percentages */

    declare @total decimal(9,2) , @hits decimal(9,2)

    set @total = (select count(*) from nibs_customer_survey with (nolock))

    set @hits = (select count(*) from nibs_customer_survey  with (nolock) where minor_segment_code is not null)

    /* NIBS Workorders segmentation percentages */

    declare @total5 decimal(9,2) , @hits5 decimal(9,2)

    set @total5 = (select count(*) from NIBS_WorkOrders with (nolock))

    set @hits5 = (select count(*) from NIBS_WorkOrders  with (nolock) where minor_segment_code is not null)

    /*  ECID hit percentages  */

    declare @total2 decimal(9,2) , @hits2 decimal(9,2)

    set @total2 = (select count(*) from ECID_Customer_Identifier with (nolock))

    set @hits2 = (select count(*) from ECID_Customer_Identifier  with (nolock) where ECID <> '')

    /************** IMS ********************/

    /*  ECID IMS hit percentages  */

    declare @total3 decimal(9,2) , @hits3 decimal(9,2)

    set @total3 = (select count(*) from IMS_ISSUES with (nolock))

    set @hits3 = (select count(*) from IMS_ISSUES  with (nolock) where ECID <> '')

    /* IMS issues segmentation percentages */

    declare @total4 decimal(9,2) , @hits4 decimal(9,2)

    set @total4 = (select count(*) from IMS_ISSUES with (nolock) )

    set @hits4 = (select count(*) from IMS_ISSUES  with (nolock) where minor_segment_code is not null)


        set @query = " "


            if @total4 <> 0     

                set @query = " select Source='IMS Issues Segmentation Percentages',@total4 as GTotal, @hits4 as GHits, (@hits4 / @total4) as Hit_Percent "


                set @query = " select Source='IMS Issues Segmentation Percentages',@total4 as GTotal, @hits4 as GHits, Hit_Percent = 0 "



            set @query = @query + " union "

            if @total3 <> 0     

                set @query = @query + "  select Source='ECID IMS hit Percentages',@total3 as GTotal, @hits3 as GHits, (@hits3 / @total3) as Hit_Percent "


                set @query = @query + "  select Source='ECID DS4 hit Percentages',@total2 as GTotal, @hits2 as GHits, Hit_Percent = 0 "



            set @query = @query + " union "

            if @total2 <> 0     

                set @query = @query + "  select Source='ECID DS4 hit Percentages',@total2 as GTotal, @hits2 as GHits, (@hits2 / @total2) as Hit_Percent "


                set @query = @query + "  select Source='ECID DS4 hit Percentages',@total2 as GTotal, @hits2 as GHits, Hit_Percent = 0 "



            set @query = @query + " union "

            if @total <> 0     

                set @query = @query + "  select Source='NIBS Cust Surv Seg Percentages', @total as GTotal, @hits as GHits, (@hits / @total) as Hit_Percent "


                set @query = @query + "  select Source='NIBS Cust Surv Seg Percentages', @total as GTotal, @hits as GHits, Hit_Percent = 0 "



            set @query = @query + " union "

            if @total5 <> 0     

                set @query = @query + "  select Source='NIBS Work Order Percentages', @total as GTotal, @hits5 as GHits, (@hits5 / @total5) as Hit_Percent "


                set @query = @query + "  select Source='NIBS Work Order Percentages', @total as GTotal, @hits5 as GHits, Hit_Percent = 0 "


        set @query = @query + " order by hit_percent "  









    here is the error


    Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 3, Procedure sp_Segmentation_Stats, Line 28

    Invalid column name ' '.

    Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_Segmentation_Stats, Line 31

    Invalid column name ' select Source='IMS Issues Segmentation Percentages',@total4 as GTotal, @hits4 as GHits, (@hits4 / @total4) as Hit_Percent '.

    Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_Segmentation_Stats, Line 33

    Invalid column name ' select Source='IMS Issues Segmentation Percentages',@total4 as GTotal, @hits4 as GHits, Hit_Percent = 0 '.

    Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_Segmentation_Stats, Line 36

    Invalid column name ' union '.

    Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_Segmentation_Stats, Line 38

    Invalid column name '  select Source='ECID IMS hit Percentages',@total3 as GTotal, @hits3 as GHits, (@hits3 / @total3) as Hit_Percent '.

    Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_Segmentation_Stats, Line 40

    Invalid column name '  select Source='ECID DS4 hit Percentages',@total2 as GTotal, @hits2 as GHits, Hit_Percent = 0 '.

    Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_Segmentation_Stats, Line 43

    Invalid column name ' union '.

    Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_Segmentation_Stats, Line 45

    Invalid column name '  select Source='ECID DS4 hit Percentages',@total2 as GTotal, @hits2 as GHits, (@hits2 / @total2) as Hit_Percent '.

    Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_Segmentation_Stats, Line 47

    Invalid column name '  select Source='ECID DS4 hit Percentages',@total2 as GTotal, @hits2 as GHits, Hit_Percent = 0 '.

    Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_Segmentation_Stats, Line 50

    Invalid column name ' union '.

    Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_Segmentation_Stats, Line 52

    Invalid column name '  select Source='NIBS Cust Surv Seg Percentages', @total as GTotal, @hits as GHits, (@hits / @total) as Hit_Percent '.

    Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_Segmentation_Stats, Line 54

    Invalid column name '  select Source='NIBS Cust Surv Seg Percentages', @total as GTotal, @hits as GHits, Hit_Percent = 0 '.

    Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_Segmentation_Stats, Line 57

    Invalid column name ' union '.

    Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_Segmentation_Stats, Line 59

    Invalid column name '  select Source='NIBS Work Order Percentages', @total as GTotal, @hits5 as GHits, (@hits5 / @total5) as Hit_Percent '.

    Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_Segmentation_Stats, Line 61

    Invalid column name '  select Source='NIBS Work Order Percentages', @total as GTotal, @hits5 as GHits, Hit_Percent = 0 '.

    Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 3, Procedure sp_Segmentation_Stats, Line 63

    Invalid column name ' order by hit_percent '.


    line 28 is the       set @query = " "     line.

    I dont understand why it thinks everything is a column name.  Help please




  • SQL strings are delimited by single quotes, not double quotes.

    [Edit] Forgot to add, use "Set quoted_identifier off". Read BOL on the quoted_identifier option.

  • that much I know.  how do you sugest I create the query in the begin / end loop?

  • I tried that in the many versions of this SP and when I do the SET .....OFF and the SP loads fine, but I get this error message.

    Server: Msg 203, Level 16, State 2, Procedure sp_Segmentation_Stats, Line 65

    The name ' select Source='IMS Issues Segmentation Percentages',@total4 as GTotal, @hits4 as GHits, (@hits4 / @total4) as Hit_Percent  union   select Source='ECID IMS hit Percentages',@total3 as GTotal, @hits3 as GHits, (@hits3 / @total3) as Hit_Percent  union   select Source='ECID DS4 hit Percentages',@total2 as GTotal, @hits2 as GHits, (@hits2 / @total2) as Hit_Percent  union   select Source=...

  • I think what the poster is saying is that you need to use single quotes everywhere you have doubles. In the places where you've single quoted for things inside @query, use 2 single quotes, like:
            if @total4 <> 0     

                set @query = ' select Source=''IMS Issues Segmentation Percentages'',@total4 as GTotal, @hits4 as GHits, (@hits4 / @total4) as Hit_Percent '

    You've also got your begin/end blocks out of synch. Set them as
    if @total4<>0
         set ...
        set ...

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