
  • I am a self-taught SQL Server user.  Over the last 4 1/2 years, I have learned how to build tables, and create views, stored procs, and triggers.  While I am definitely not an expert in these areas, I have been able to get the job done.

    Now I am moving into a new area in which I am totally lost:  sp_addlinkedserver.  The concepts seem fairly straight forward, but the actual steps have left me perplexed.  Since I am new to this process, I elected to start with the method in Enterprise Manager via Security, but I am already lost.  I have dug through my books and only one had a couple of pages on this subject.  I read the articles in BOL, but I found the documents as clear as mud.  Various articles on the internet were interesting, but didn't clear anything up. 

    Does anyone know of a very basic document that will take me through this in baby steps?  Something that not only lists each step, but also explains the concept behind the step?



  • Nice going Glenda.  Its great to see people learning on their own.  This site is great for learning.  I've bee doing DBA work for a while, but I learn from others all the time in the forums here and witht the articles and cool scripts people post.

    Adding a linked server is not that hard however I've found the creatiopn of appropriate security not alway straight forwardly explained.  I mean if you choses not to impersonate then Enterprise Manage has several options as to what the security context could be, none of which are well explained in Books on line (BOL) .  Here's links to a series of articles that I think are alright.   http://www.databasejournal.com/features/mssql/article.php/3085211



    Check out some texts.  as well.  Not at lot deal with this subject well.  "SQL Server 2000 Fast answers" is fairly good.  It not alway baby steps but the author does cover way more stuff than BOL and he does explain why you might pick one option rather than another. 


    Good luck


  •   Thank you so much.  I will dive right into these!!!

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