DTS Package fails to call remote EXE

  • I've got DTS packages on our main SQL server that end up as overnight jobs.  In the main they work fine.

    However, I cant get one set up as I would like.

    I need to run an Execute Process task, but it needs to be able to execute a batch file which sits on another PC on our network.  The batch file runs an EXE, on that PC, which does not, and wont have SQL installed on it.

    Whenever I try this it seems to know where to go to in order to start executing the batch.

    However, the batch file contains CD statements and suchlike, but from then on in SQL is trying to do the CDs from where it thinks it in on the SQL box rather than from where the exe has been started on the other PC.

    Any ideas how I can start this process off and effectively pass all control to it ?


  • I've not done this via SQL before, but whenever I try and run things like exe's or cmd's etc remotely I use PSEXEC.EXE.

    You can find the full compliment of 'PS' tools here:


    This works because it copies itself to the remote PC to execute from there, thus independent of your SQL Server.

    Hopefully PSEXEC will do your job...

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