Abnormal Error : Divison Zero in OLEDB Provider

  • Hi Friends,

    My asp page is returning Divizion by zero error from the OLEDB Provider. I can open the recordset. But it occurs only while I loop through the records. The Query runs in SQL Query Analyzer very well, I can open the recordset through OLEDB Provider. But it prompts Division by zero error only after 3 records while issuing the Recordset.Movenext command.

    I am using SQL Server 2000 in Win 2003 envirnment.

    My Query:


    SELECT DATEPART(mm, K.[Date]) AS [Month], K.[KPI_Code], K.[Field_Code], K.[Field_Desc], K.[KPI_Value], K.[SubValue_1], CASE WHEN M.[MasterValue] IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE CONVERT(DECIMAL(5,2), (K.[SubValue_1] * 100) /M.[MasterValue]) END AS [ReturnPercent]

    FROM [OPS_KPI_Volume_Test] AS K



     SELECT [Field_Code], [SubValue_1] AS [MasterValue] FROM [OPS_KPI_Volume_Test]

     WHERE [KPI_Code] = 7 and DATEPART(mm, [Date]) = 6

    )  AS M

    ON K.[ReturnFieldCode] = M.[Field_Code]

    WHERE K.[KPI_Code] = 7 and DATEPART(mm, K.[Date]) = 6

    ORDER BY K.DisplayOrder


    Is anyone there can help me? My email is cragesh@gmail.com


    Ragesh Chavarattil

  • Please do not cross-post, we monitor all boards.

    Finish the thread here : http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/forums/shwmessage.aspx?forumid=23&messageid=197077

  • you can use NULLIF function to avoid that error. It replaes the NULL value whenever the zero occurs in the denominator.

  • Thanks for your comments,

    I can execute the statement in Query Analyzer and even open recordset. But I am getting the error only while looping through the records. And the error is raised from the OLEDB provider. Why it so? do you know?



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