Returning a recordset and an output parameter

  • I have the following stored procedure which works just fine in QA, returning both the 280,000 row recordset and the corresponding count

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.stp_ConvertCharges

    @RecordCount  int output AS


    DECLARE @ReturnError int


    SELECT chgCaseNumber, chgPartyNumber

    FROM   Cases sca

     LEFT OUTER JOIN Charges sch ON 

        sca.CasCaseNumber = sch.ChgCaseNumber

     LEFT OUTER JOIN CaseParty cp ON

        sca.CasCaseNumber = cp.CaseID


        sca.CasCaseTypeCode = uCT.CaseUTypeID

     INNER JOIN  sCaseType sCT ON

        uCT.CaseTypeKy = sCT.CaseTypeKy


       cp.ExtConnID = uEC.ExtConnID

     LEFT OUTER JOIN uOffense uO ON

       sch.ChgStatuteNum = uO.Statute

    WHERE  sCT.CaseCategoryKy = 'CR'

    ORDER BY  sca.CasCaseNumber

    SELECT @RecordCount = @@RowCount, @ReturnError = @@Error


    RETURN @ReturnError



    I have the following VB6 routine that attempts to run the stored procedure to return the recordset and the output parameters

    Private Sub S030_RetrieveData()


        Dim cmdSubCommand As ADODB.Command


        m_intDataReturnError = 99

        m_lngDataRecordCount = 99



        Set g_rsData = New ADODB.Recordset

        g_rsData.CursorLocation = adUseClient

        g_rsData.CursorType = adOpenStatic

        g_rsData.LockType = adLockReadOnly


        Set cmdSubCommand = New ADODB.Command


        If Err.Number > 0 Then

            Exit Sub

        End If


        With cmdSubCommand

            .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

            .CommandTimeout = 300

            .CommandText = "stp_ConvertCharges"

            .ActiveConnection = strDBConnectionString

            .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("ReturnError", adInteger, adParamReturnValue)

            .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("RecordCount", adInteger, adParamOutput)

            Set g_rsData = .Execute()

            .ActiveConnection = Nothing

            m_lngDataRecordCount = .Parameters("RecordCount").Value

            m_intDataReturnError = .Parameters("ReturnError").Value

        End With


    MsgBox ("Record Count = " & m_lngDataRecordCount & " ReturnError = " & m_intDataReturnError)


        Set cmdSubCommand = Nothing


    End Sub

    The VB returns the recordset just fine, but the output parameters both come back as zeroes.  Can anyone see what's wrong with it? 




  • Did you try closing the connection before trying to access the parameters? I vaguely remember that you hav to CLOSE something (either the cn or rs but I'm pretty sure it's the cn) before you can access any output parameter.

    But first I would run the sp in qa to make sure that the problem doesn't come from there. Then I would try closing the connection before trying to fetch the recordcount.

    One other option would be not to use the set nocount on option and use the recordset recordcount property if possible.

  • Thanks for responding.  I'm not sure how to close the connection, since I don't explicitly create and open one in this routine.  I did create a connection, use it to delete all the records from an exception table, and close it in a previous routine.

    I've read that you have to close the recordset to access the output variables, and I tried that before retrieving the parameters, as in


         m_lngSustainDataRecordCount = .Parameters("RecordCount").Value

            m_intSustainDataReturnError = .Parameters("ReturnError").Value

        End With

    but that didn't work.

    I have run the SP in Query Analyzer, and it works just fine.  And with or without SET NOCOUNT ON, I can't get anything but a -1 for a record count.

    What would the syntax be to close the implicit connection created by the command object?


  • Hmm this can be a problem

    .ActiveConnection = strDBConnectionString

    You could try setting ActiveConnection to an adodb.connection object and close that object before accessing the params to see if it works.

    As for the recordcount not working you'd have to change to cursor type or locktype... don't remember which one causes this behavior.

  • You could try to open the recordset in an alternative way:


        g_rsData.Open cmdSubCommand, , adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly

        Set g_rsData.ActiveConnection = Nothing

        m_lngDataRecordCount = cmdSubCommand.Parameters("@RecordCount")

    This does the trick in my applications.




  • Actually this is one of those gotcha items.

    The OUPUT parameters are only available after the recordset is processed.

    User a client side cursor and do a MoveLast then get your parameters and MoveFirst on the recordset, this should do it.

  • 'Gotcha' is a polite term for what this is.

    Part of me hates to ask this, but the part of me that's spent two days on this is desperate.  Apparently I can't do a MoveLast because even though I explicitly open the recordset as client side (g_rsSustainData.CursorLocation = adUseClient), the command object will only open a ForwardOnly recordset with the Execute method.  I know how to use the method, but not in conjunction with the the command object, which is the only way I know how to pass and retrieve parameters.

    I would really appreciate it if you could show me exactly what the code should be to call a stored procedure with parameters and still return a dynamic recordset.

    Thanks for all your help.


  • You can't exactly do what you're doing in VB6.  In .NET it might be Ok.

    You should change your Procedure to this:

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.stp_ConvertCharges

     @Errors int output = 0




    SELECT chgCaseNumber, chgPartyNumber

    FROM   Cases sca

    LEFT OUTER JOIN Charges sch ON sca.CasCaseNumber = sch.ChgCaseNumber

    LEFT OUTER JOIN CaseParty cp ON sca.CasCaseNumber = cp.CaseID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN uCaseType uCT ON sca.CasCaseTypeCode = uCT.CaseUTypeID

    INNER JOIN  sCaseType sCT ON uCT.CaseTypeKy = sCT.CaseTypeKy

    LEFT OUTER JOIN uExtConn uEC  ON cp.ExtConnID = uEC.ExtConnID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN uOffense uO ON sch.ChgStatuteNum = uO.Statute

    WHERE  sCT.CaseCategoryKy = 'CR'

    ORDER BY  sca.CasCaseNumber

    SET @Errors = @@Error





    And your VB Code should look like this:

    On Error GoTo ErrHandler

    Dim adoCon As ADODB.Connection

    Dim adoCmd As ADODB.Command

    Dim rsData As ADODB.Recordset

    Dim nRecords As Long, nError As Long

    'Open the Connection

    Set adoCon = New ADODB.Connection

    adoCon.Open sConnectString

    'Initialize the Command

    Set adoCmd = New ADODB.Command

    With adoCmd

         .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

         .CommandText = "spMyProc"

         Set .ActiveConnection = adoCon


         'There is no need to Add any Parameters

         'The ADO Command Object intrinsicly knows the Parameters

         'because it has a Connection to the Database


         'The 'nRecords' variable will return the number of Records affected

         'This eliminates the need for an Output Paramters telling you how many Records were affected

         Set rsData = .Execute(nRecords)

         nError = .Parameters("@Errors").Value

    End With

    While Not rsData.EOF

         'Do something...




         If (Err.Number <> 0) Then MsgBox Err.Description



    If (Not rsData Is Nothing) Then rsData.Close

    If (Not adoCon Is Nothing) Then adoCon.Close

    Set rsData = Nothing: Set adoCmd = Nothing: Set adoCon = Nothing


    Also, DO NOT CLOSE the Connection until you are finished with the Recordset.  Any Recordset opened through a Command Object will be ForwardOnly with a ServerSide Cursor.  You cannot change that.

    By using the ADODB.Connection variable, you are ensured that your connection will not close after the Command has been executed.  Sure, it's one more variable to cleanup, but it's not that big a difference.

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