Returning a record for each day in a range

  • I have a table of events, each with a start and finish date. I'd like to write a query which will return a row for every day in a range, with the date and count of the events that are live on that day. What I'm struggling with is how to get a record returned on days when there is no event.


    Any ideas?


  • try something like

    select Count(Events), Day(eventDate) From YourTable

    Group By Day(EventDate)

    Order By Day(EventDate)

  • I think that would work if there where a record for each day of the event in the table - but there isn't. For instance, at one extreme, if there where no events in my table for the range of dates that I set, I'd want still want a record for each day in the range - just showing that yes, we have no bananas events today.

  • How about this then for a quick answer, something similiar should be able to do it for you.


    Declare @table table (EventDate int, RecordCount int)

    Insert Into @table


     Day(CLDateofApplication) as Expr1,

     IsNULL( Count(*), 0)

    From ClientData

    Where CLDateOfApplication>=getDate()-30

    Group By Day(CLDateofApplication)

    Order By Expr1

    Declare @MinDate as int

    Declare @MaxDate as int

    Set @MinDate = (Select Min(EventDate) From @table)

    Set @MaxDate = (Select Max(EventDate) From @table)

    while @MinDate <@MaxDate


    If (select RecordCount From @table Where EventDate = @MinDate) IS NULL


      Insert into @Table (EventDate, RecordCount) VALUES (@MinDate, 0)


     IF @MinDate >= @MaxDate



      Set @MinDate = @MinDate+1



    Select *

    From @table

    Order by EventDate

  • Why not create a reference table of dates and use that to join against your event table?


     -- @DateRef is a table variable only for this example;

     -- declare @DateRef as a base table and load it ahead of time

    declare @DateRef TABLE (TheDate smalldatetime PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED)

    declare @Date smalldatetime, @Counter smallint

    SET @Counter = 1; SET @Date = CAST('20041231' AS smalldatetime)

     -- load 30 days of reference dates; load a year or more for production

    WHILE @Counter <= 30


      INSERT INTO @DateRef (TheDate) VALUES (DATEADD(dd, @Counter, @Date))

      SET @Counter = @Counter + 1


     -- load sample events

    DECLARE @Events TABLE (EventDate smalldatetime)

    INSERT INTO @Events VALUES ('20050101')

    INSERT INTO @Events VALUES ('20050101')

    INSERT INTO @Events VALUES ('20050104')

    INSERT INTO @Events VALUES ('20050104')

    INSERT INTO @Events VALUES ('20050106')

    INSERT INTO @Events VALUES ('20050106')

    INSERT INTO @Events VALUES ('20050108')

    INSERT INTO @Events VALUES ('20050108')

    INSERT INTO @Events VALUES ('20050112')

    INSERT INTO @Events VALUES ('20050112')

     -- the derived table b is only dates that have events

     -- the

    SELECT  CONVERT(char(10), a.TheDate, 101) AS Date,

     Day(a.TheDate) AS [Day],

     ISNULL(b.EventCount, 0) AS EventCount

      FROM @DateRef AS a

      LEFT JOIN  (SELECT Count(*) AS EventCount, EventDate FROM @Events

      GROUP BY EventDate) AS b ON a.TheDate = b.EventDate

     WHERE a.TheDate BETWEEN '20050101' AND '20050131'

    Will return this:

    Date    Day     EventCount


    01/01/2005 1 2

    01/02/2005 2 0

    01/03/2005 3 0

    01/04/2005 4 2

    01/05/2005 5 0

    01/06/2005 6 2

    01/07/2005 7 0

    01/08/2005 8 2

    01/09/2005 9 0

    01/10/2005 10 0

    01/11/2005 11 0

    01/12/2005 12 2

    01/13/2005 13 0

    01/14/2005 14 0

    01/15/2005 15 0

    01/16/2005 16 0

    01/17/2005 17 0

    01/18/2005 18 0

    01/19/2005 19 0

    01/20/2005 20 0

    01/21/2005 21 0

    01/22/2005 22 0

    01/23/2005 23 0

    01/24/2005 24 0

    01/25/2005 25 0

    01/26/2005 26 0

    01/27/2005 27 0

    01/28/2005 28 0

    01/29/2005 29 0

    01/30/2005 30 0

    There is no "i" in team, but idiot has two.
  • Try creating a table (named "sequences"&nbsp with all numbers between 0 and 32767 as detailed below.

    Your actual query can then reference this "sequences" table such as:

    declare  @StartDate datetime

    , @EndDate datetime

    set @StartDate  = '2005-01-01'

    set  @EndDate = '2005-02-28'

    select seq , @StartDate + seq

    from  dbo.Sequences

    where seq between 0 and @EndDate - @StartDate

    Here is the SQL to create and populate the "Sequences" table:

    set nocount on

    set xact_abort on

    create table Sequences

    ( Seq smallint not null

    , constraint Sequences_PK primary key (Seq) )

    -- Create a new table to turn columns into rows or rows into columns

    declare @SmallIntMax integer

    , @SeqMax  integer

    set @SmallIntMax= power(2,15) - 1

    -- Populate the Sequences table:

    -- zero is also useful.

    Insert into Sequences (Seq) values (0)

    Insert into Sequences (Seq) values (1)

    -- Now repeat the following insert 10 times to get 1024 sequence Sequences

    set @SeqMax = 1

    while @SeqMax < @SmallIntMax


     Insert into Sequences

     SELECT NewSeq

     FROM (select Seq + @SeqMax + 1 AS NewSeq

      from Sequences

     &nbsp as S

    Order by NewSeq

    select @SeqMax = max(Seq) from Sequences



    select 'Largest Seq is ' , max(Seq) from Sequences


    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • That is a really interesting way of doing that Dave. It seems like it would create more overhead though when used as a temp table like that. Interesting though, because if you had a physical table like that, it could be a handy "Tool" for situations like this that might come up.

  • You're right.  In the comments for my example I note that I am only using a temp table for purposes of this example.

    There is no "i" in team, but idiot has two.
  • A fellow on this forum who goes by the name of "Adam Mechanic" would have you create a permanent date table so that you can easily solve these types of date problems (and, many others) using a method similar to Dave's (above) with ease.  If you only wanted a date column, all dates from 01/01/1900 (INT = 0) to 01/01/2200 (INT = 109573) would only occupy about a meg of disk space.  Obviously, if you started at 01/01/2000, the table would be even smaller but if you do start at 0 or 1, the date table will double up as a "Sequence" or "Talley" table which also has some pretty good uses.  Add holidays and a couple of other columns and most of your date problems will quickly vanish.

    Adam had previously referred me to the following URL and it's a pretty good place to start...

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Many, many thanks for all these replies. I've struggled on with increasingly nasty loops of dynamic SQL, learning some good stuff along the way and generally having fun, but haven't solved the problem. I really thought I could solve this without a dates table, but the time has come for pragmatism.

    I will now head along the permanent table of dates route, and update the forum when I'm done.

    Once again, thank you - what a great bunch of people SQLServerCentral members are!


  • Hi Bill -- If you haven't finished yet.  I wrote a function that fills in dates:

    create function fnDateFill(@startDate datetime, @endDate datetime, @recurrence varchar(10))

    returns @dateTable table(selectDate datetime)



    declare @tempDate datetime

    if @startDate > @endDate begin

     return -- some kind of error


    -- set the temp date to the start date

    set @tempDate = @startDate

    while @tempDate <= @endDate begin


     if @recurrence = 'weekday' begin 

      while datename(dw,@tempDate) = 'Saturday' or datename(dw,@tempDate) = 'Sunday' begin

       set @tempDate = dateadd(dd,1,@tempDate)

      continue end

      insert into @dateTable values(@tempDate)    

      set @tempDate = dateadd(dd,1,@tempDate) -- add a day


     if @recurrence = 'daily' begin 

      insert into @dateTable values(@tempDate) 

      set @tempDate = dateadd(dd,1,@tempDate)   


    continue end




    use it like this:

    insert into #yourTable values (1, '03/02/05')

    insert into #yourTable values (1, '03/10/05')

    insert into #yourTable values (1, '03/10/05')

    insert into #yourTable values (1, '03/12/05')

    insert into #yourTable values (1, '03/19/05')

    insert into #yourTable values (1, '03/30/05')

    select cnt = count(event), eventDate

    from #yourTable

    group by eventDate

    union all

    select 0, selectDate

    from appUtility.dbo.fnDateFill('03/01/05','03/31/05','weekday')

    where selectDate not in (select eventDate from #yourTable)

    order by eventDate

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