how to avoid circular references using CTE ?

  • I want to build a table-hiarchy-list using this query :

    I know it still uses the sql2000 systemtables and will convert it to the propre ss2005 equivalent later on.

    WITH ObjHiearchy (LevelID, Owner, TableName, ObjID)



    -- Anchor member definition

    select 0 as LevelID, as Owner , as TableName , as ObjID

    from sysobjects Parent with (nolock)

    inner join sysusers U with (nolock)

    on Parent.uid = U.uid

    left join sysreferences RefKey with (nolock)

    on RefKey.rkeyid =

    and RefKey.rkeyid <> RefKey.fkeyid

    where Parent.xtype= 'U'

    and <>'dtproperties'

    and RefKey.fkeyid is null


    -- Recursive member definition

    select H.LevelID - 1 , as Owner , as TableName ,

    from sysobjects Child with (nolock)

    inner join sysreferences RefKey with (nolock)

    on RefKey.fkeyid =

    and RefKey.rkeyid <> RefKey.fkeyid

    inner join sysobjects Parent with (nolock)

    on RefKey.rkeyid =

    inner join sysusers U with (nolock)

    on Parent.uid = U.uid

    and Parent.xtype= 'U'

    and <>'dtproperties'

    inner join ObjHiearchy H

    on H.ObjID =


    select distinct *

    from ObjHiearchy

    order by levelid ,owner, tablename;

    This works fine as long as there are no circular references in the databases object-schema.

    Then it says

    "Msg 530, Level 16, State 1, Procedure spc_TB_Hierarchie, Line 10

    The statement terminated. The maximum recursion 32767 has been exhausted before statement completion."

    This would mean I need except or not exists in my Recursive member definition part of the query, wright ?

    How can I do this ?


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  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Hi,


    This might be of help for you:

  • Thanks for the link, wich is a nice article.

    The problem with these circular references is that I would need to exclude all "new" items that would already be in the result.

    This would mean a dynamic " and boss = 12 ", as referenced in the article.

    I guess these kind of problems cannot be solved with a CTE


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