SQL Stored Procedure Help

  • I've got a couple of tables:

    FinCenPersonal Table

    ID   bigint

    tracking_number  varchar(6)

    last_name  varchar(MAX)

    first_name  varchar(MAX)

    middle_name  varchar(MAX)

    suffix   varchar(MAX)

    alias_last_name  varchar(MAX)

    alias_first_name varchar(MAX)

    alias_middle_name varchar(MAX)

    alias_suffix  varchar(MAX)

    number   varchar(MAX)

    number_type  varchar(MAX)

    dob   varchar(MAX)

    street   varchar(MAX)

    city   varchar(MAX)

    state   varchar(MAX)

    zip   varchar(MAX)

    country   varchar(MAX)

    phone   varchar(MAX)


    Checks Table

    CheckDate  datetime

    Payee   varchar(MAX)

    PurchasedBy  varchar(MAX)

    Amount   decimal(18, 2)

    Address   varchar(MAX)

    Reference  varchar(MAX)

    NonCustInfo  varchar(MAX)

    Initials  varchar(5)

    PersonLoggedIn  varchar(MAX)

    Computer  varchar(MAX)

    PrintLocation  varchar(MAX)

    NonCustomerTransaction varchar(3)

    PrintTime  datetime

    I'm trying to find matches in the two tables for terrorist checks.  I'm looking at the last_name field in the FinCen table and comparing it to the Checks.Payee, checks.Pruchasedby and Checks.Address to see if any of the three contain the text in the FinCen table.

    I also need to check if the values in the finCen table are ='' and not select any of them.

    So far this is what I've got, but of course (I'm here arent' I) its not working.


    SELECT FinCenPersonal.ID, FinCenPersonal.tracking_number, FinCenPersonal.last_name, FinCenPersonal.first_name, FinCenPersonal.middle_name,

           FinCenPersonal.suffix, FinCenPersonal.alias_last_name, FinCenPersonal.alias_first_name, FinCenPersonal.alias_middle_name,

           FinCenPersonal.alias_suffix, FinCenPersonal.number, FinCenPersonal.number_type, FinCenPersonal.dob, FinCenPersonal.street, FinCenPersonal.city,

           FinCenPersonal.state, FinCenPersonal.zip, FinCenPersonal.country, FinCenPersonal.phone, Checks.CheckDate, Checks.Payee, Checks.PurchasedBy,

           Checks.Amount, Checks.Address, Checks.Reference, Checks.NonCustInfo, Checks.Initials, Checks.PersonLoggedIn, Checks.Computer,

           Checks.PrintLocation, Checks.NonCustomerTransaction, Checks.PrintTime

    FROM   FinCenPersonal INNER JOIN

              Checks ON FinCenPersonal.last_name IN

                  (SELECT     Payee

                    FROM          Checks) OR

              FinCenPersonal.last_name IN

                  (SELECT     PurchasedBy

                    FROM          Checks) OR

              FinCenPersonal.last_name IN

                  (SELECT     Address

                    FROM          Checks) OR

              FinCenPersonal.first_name IN

                  (SELECT     Payee

                    FROM          Checks) OR

              FinCenPersonal.first_name IN

                  (SELECT     PurchasedBy

                    FROM          Checks) OR

              FinCenPersonal.first_name IN

                  (SELECT     Address

                    FROM          Checks) OR

              FinCenPersonal.alias_last_name IN

                  (SELECT     Payee

                    FROM          Checks) OR

              FinCenPersonal.alias_last_name IN

                  (SELECT     PurchasedBy

                    FROM          Checks) OR

              FinCenPersonal.alias_last_name IN

                  (SELECT     Address

                    FROM          Checks) OR

              FinCenPersonal.alias_first_name IN

                  (SELECT     Payee

                    FROM          Checks) OR

              FinCenPersonal.alias_first_name IN

                  (SELECT     PurchasedBy

                    FROM          Checks) OR

              FinCenPersonal.alias_first_name IN

                  (SELECT     Address

                    FROM          Checks) OR

              FinCenPersonal.number IN

                  (SELECT     Reference

                    FROM          Checks) OR

              FinCenPersonal.street IN

                  (SELECT     Address

                    FROM          Checks)



    Chuck Sndyer

  • You don't need all the subselects and ins.  That will perform horribly.

    Try this. 

    SELECT FinCenPersonal.ID, FinCenPersonal.tracking_number, FinCenPersonal.last_name, FinCenPersonal.first_name, FinCenPersonal.middle_name,

           FinCenPersonal.suffix, FinCenPersonal.alias_last_name, FinCenPersonal.alias_first_name, FinCenPersonal.alias_middle_name,

           FinCenPersonal.alias_suffix, FinCenPersonal.number, FinCenPersonal.number_type, FinCenPersonal.dob, FinCenPersonal.street, FinCenPersonal.city,

           FinCenPersonal.state, FinCenPersonal.zip, FinCenPersonal.country, FinCenPersonal.phone, Checks.CheckDate, Checks.Payee, Checks.PurchasedBy,

           Checks.Amount, Checks.Address, Checks.Reference, Checks.NonCustInfo, Checks.Initials, Checks.PersonLoggedIn, Checks.Computer,

           Checks.PrintLocation, Checks.NonCustomerTransaction, Checks.PrintTime

    FROM   FinCenPersonal

    INNER JOIN Checks

    ON FinCenPersonal.last_name = Checks.Payee

    OR FinCenPersonal.last_name  = Checks.PurchasedBy

    OR FinCenPersonal.last_name = Checks.Address

    OR FinCenPersonal.first_name = Checks.Payee

    OR FinCenPersonal.first_name = Checks.PurchasedBy

    OR FinCenPersonal.first_name = Checks.Address

    OR FinCenPersonal.alias_last_name = Checks.Payee

    OR FinCenPersonal.alias_last_name = Checks.PurchasedBy

    OR FinCenPersonal.alias_last_name = Checks.Address

    OR FinCenPersonal.alias_first_name = Checks.Payee

    OR FinCenPersonal.alias_first_name = Checks.PurchasedBy

    OR FinCenPersonal.alias_first_name = Checks.Address

    OR FinCenPersonal.number = Checks.Reference

    OR FinCenPersonal.street = Checks.Address

  • Woah there... you need all those varchar(max) fields?

  • That gets me part way there.  I was using IN because it selected partial matches too.  The performance hit is accectable, there are usually less than 1000 rows in the tables, and its only run every couple of weeks.

    The problem is there are numerous rows in the FinCen table that are blank, and they are being selected.  I need to filter out the blank rows while keeping the good data.

    Just adding a WHERE clause like "last_name > '' and/or first_name > '' won't work, because one might be blank, and the other not and have a match.


  • IN doesn't do a partial match. 

    Try this:

    declare @t1 table (code varchar(20))

    insert @t1 values ('aaaa')

    insert @t1 values ('bbbb')

    insert @t1 values ('cccc')

    declare @t2 table (newcode varchar(20))

    insert @t2 values ('aaa')

    insert @t2 values ('bbbbb')

    insert @t2 values ('cccc')

    select *

    from @t2

    where newcode in (select code from @t1)


    Also,  what do you mean by blank rows in the FinCen table?  Could you post some sample data?


  • Didn't even notice that.  You should size the columns to some realistic size based upon the data.  Normally varchar(255) is more than sufficient for names, addresses and the like.


  • Thanks for looking at the problem.

    I'll Adjust the varchar later, not important right now.

    The problem is in the checks table I've got and entry in Payee like "Chuck Sndyer"

    and in the FinCen Last_name I've got "Snyder".  I need this to be a match, while at the same time not reporting those entries where either the payee or FinCen last_name are blank.


  • This looks like it works.  It is striping out any blank rows, and passing thru the matches.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.


    SELECT FinCenPersonal.*, Checks.* FROM   FinCenPersonal

    INNER JOIN Checks

    ON (Checks.Payee>'' and FinCenPersonal.last_name> '' and Checks.Payee LIKE '%' + RTRIM(FinCenPersonal.last_name) + '%')

    OR (Checks.Payee>'' and FinCenPersonal.first_name> '' and Checks.Payee LIKE '%' + RTRIM(FinCenPersonal.first_name) + '%')

    OR (Checks.Payee>'' and FinCenPersonal.alias_last_name> '' and Checks.Payee LIKE '%' + RTRIM(FinCenPersonal.alias_last_name) + '%' )

    OR (Checks.Payee>'' and FinCenPersonal.alias_first_name> '' and Checks.Payee LIKE '%' + RTRIM(FinCenPersonal.alias_first_name) + '%')

    OR (Checks.PurchasedBy>'' and FinCenPersonal.last_name> '' and Checks.PurchasedBy LIKE '%' + RTRIM(FinCenPersonal.last_name) + '%')

    OR (Checks.PurchasedBy>'' and FinCenPersonal.first_name> '' and Checks.PurchasedBy LIKE '%' + RTRIM(FinCenPersonal.first_name) + '%')

    OR (Checks.PurchasedBy>'' and FinCenPersonal.alias_last_name> '' and Checks.PurchasedBy LIKE '%' + RTRIM(FinCenPersonal.alias_last_name) + '%')

    OR (Checks.PurchasedBy>'' and FinCenPersonal.alias_first_name> '' and Checks.PurchasedBy LIKE '%' + RTRIM(FinCenPersonal.alias_first_name) + '%')

    OR (Checks.Address>'' and FinCenPersonal.last_name> '' and Checks.Address LIKE '%' + RTRIM(FinCenPersonal.last_name) + '%')

    OR (Checks.Address>'' and FinCenPersonal.first_name> '' and Checks.Address LIKE '%' + RTRIM(FinCenPersonal.first_name) + '%')

    OR (Checks.Address>'' and FinCenPersonal.alias_last_name> '' and Checks.Address LIKE '%' + RTRIM(FinCenPersonal.alias_last_name) + '%')

    OR (Checks.Address>'' and FinCenPersonal.alias_first_name> '' and Checks.Address LIKE '%' + RTRIM(FinCenPersonal.alias_first_name) + '%')

    OR (Checks.Reference>'' and FinCenPersonal.number> '' and Checks.Reference LIKE '%' + RTRIM(FinCenPersonal.number) + '%')

    OR (Checks.Address>'' and FinCenPersonal.street> '' and Checks.Address LIKE '%' + RTRIM(FinCenPersonal.street) + '%')

  • Try this. 

    SELECT [columns]

    FROM   FinCenPersonal

    INNER JOIN Checks

    ON Checks.Payee like '%' + FinCenPersonal.last_name + '%'

    OR Checks.PurchasedBy like '%' + FinCenPersonal.last_name + '%'

    [follow pattern]

    Given a payee of 'Chuck Snyder', this will match 'Snyder', 'Snyders' and 'DeSnyder'.  Not sure if this is what you want? 

    By blank, do you mean NULL, '' or '[space]'?  They shouldn't be matching unless one of the other conditions in the OR is including them.  Could you show some sample data?


    You should store NULL in the column if the data is unknown, not ''.  If you store NULL then you won't need to check the pieces.

    declare @t1 table (code varchar(20))

    insert @t1 values ('aaaa')

    insert @t1 values ('bbbb')

    insert @t1 values (NULL)

    declare @t2 table (newcode varchar(20))

    insert @t2 values ('aaaaa')

    insert @t2 values ('bbbb')

    insert @t2 values (NULL)

    select *

    from @t1 t1

    inner join @t2 t2

    on t2.newcode like '%' + t1.code + '%'

  • Actually that's excactly what I want (well, its what the boss wants, so its what I want).

    Currently the program importing the FinCen file is posting '' to the cells, but it would only take a minutes work to change to to post nulls instead. 

    I really apperciate the help, makes me feel like i'm not alone stumbling in the dark for solution.



  • Last update.  Thanks Jeff.  Changed the import to be Null instead of '', and dropped off the checks for '' in the query. 

    Works beautiful.  Going to save the operator quite a bit of time.


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