if then else statment for jobs... ?

  • i'm trying to alter a job step based on a value in the

    sysjobhistory table under the [run_status] column.

    basically if the stats is '4' then the job is still running

    so i'm trying to create an if/else statement which will

    change the step based on the '4', but need a little help

    with the logic.

    here's what i got so far.

    if MYJOB [run_status] = 4



    @job_name = 'MYJOB',

    @step_id = 3,

    @on_success_action = 1 --Changes to: Quit Reporting success.



    @job_name = 'MYJOB',

    @step_id = 3,

    @on_success_action = 3 --Changes to: Go to Next Step

    to get the job name and status of a job you simply run a

    query join between the sysjobs & sysjobhistory tables which

    i've done here in case this helps out with the logic.

    select sysjobs.name, sysjobhistory.run_status from

    sysjobs join sysjobhistory on (sysjobs.job_id = sysjobhistory.job_id)

    where sysjobs.name = 'MYJOB'

    in any case is the if/then/else possible for some thing like this?

    any help would be greatly appreciated.

    thanks in advance.


  • Please do not double post.

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

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