Recusive Hierachy

  • I have two tables Account & AccountRelationship that look like this:









    The Join between the Accounts table and AccountRelationship is on ID (not Code).

    The relationship between accounts is stored in the AccountRelationship table. Accounts with no children are in the Accounts table, it is not stored as a ParentAccount with a Null Child.

    I need to reconstruct the Hierachy in a denormalised form. Ie, Level1Code, Level1Name, Leve1Category, Level2Code, Level2Name, Level2Category etc, adding columns until I reach the end of the hierachy.

    I have managed to do this with a series of temp tables and unions but I am looking for a better way.



  • I deal with this everday.

    Temp tables and unions are the best methods. Cause you can debug easier and dynamically deal with a new level.

    Mulitipal joins and the same table is very messy and a performance killer.

    I do not use cursors.

    With SQL Server 2005 it will be much easier to deal with as the T-SQL features PIVOT,UNPIVOT,RECUSIVE,OUTER APPLY AND CROSS APPLY query's.

    I can wait to migrate




  • Hi Angela,

    I have seen many posts of this kind on SSC so far. Usual suggestion is to solve the problem at the presentation level, not at the database level. I understand that having a stored procedure that works all that and returns a result set with unspecified and dynamically configured number of columns is a cool thing. Yet, it seems to me that it is not quite according to relational concepts and the purpose of SQL.



  • Hi Goce,

    In this scenario it must been done at the database level because it is part of a larger processing requirement. The result set returned has to be further processed conditionally and eventually end up in an Analysis Services cube/s. This data is not being used for a report and the functionality I require cannot be done at the 'presentation level'

  • Angela,

    Lookup "Expanding Hierarchies" in "Books Online"... has full explanation and an easily modifiable example script that could be changed to a stored procedure.  That's one way to do this.

    Another way is to nest tree's, in a much more set based fashion.  Visit the following URL.

    I must warn you that there are some very bad errors in the code from that URL and you need to test each code snippet offered.  Some will need a wholesale modification to get them to work, BUT the principle of the methods is definitely worth the trip and the code is salvagable.

    One of the spots to watch for is in the last chunk of code (the thing that builds the "LFT" and "RGT" "Bowers") of the code is the following line...

    WHILE counter <= (max_counter - 2)

    It should be just WHILE counter <= max_counter or it will miss some the Bowers (the term "Bower" comes from ships and is one of the foward anchors.  It is not listed in the article, that way.)

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Does anyone have a good translation of Joe's code from the link above? I tried pulling it into QA and updating it. Since I don't quite follow the concepts I'm losing the functionality. I suppose I could post my code here and hope someone could point out my mistakes, but if anyone's already done a clean translation of it and would be willing to share it would be greatly appreciated.



  • Sure... with examples... I used temp tables for the example so I don't clutter up my hard drive... you don't have to (in fact, I recommend that you don't)...

    --===== Suppress auto-display of line counts for appearance and speed


    --===== If tempory tables for this test exist, drop them

         IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#Personnel') IS NOT NULL

            DROP TABLE #Personnel

         IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#ScratchPad') IS NOT NULL

            DROP TABLE #ScratchPad

         IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#Tree') IS NOT NULL

            DROP TABLE #Tree

    --===== Create the #Personnel table to simulate a list of employees

     CREATE TABLE #Personnel


            Employee CHAR(10)     NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,

            Boss     CHAR(10)     NULL,

            Salary   DECIMAL(6,2) NOT NULL


    --===== Create the #ScratchPad table to temporarily hold data whil the process runs

     CREATE TABLE #ScratchPad


            Employee CHAR(10) NOT NULL,

            Boss     CHAR(10)


    --===== Create the #Tree Table which will start empty

      CREATE TABLE #Tree


            Level      INT NOT NULL,

            Employee   CHAR(10) NOT NULL,

            LeftBower  INT,

            RightBower INT ,

            Salary     INT


    --===== Declare Local Variables

    DECLARE @MyCounter INT

    DECLARE @MaxCount  INT

    DECLARE @Level     INT

    --===== Populate the #Personnel table to simulate a source data table

     INSERT INTO #Personnel

            (Employee, Boss, Salary)


    SELECT 'Jim',   Null,    1500 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Sally', 'Donna',  600 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Albert','Jim',   1000 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Bert',  'Albert', 900 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Chuck', 'Albert', 900 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Donna', 'Chuck',  800 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Eddie', 'Chuck',  700 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Fred',  'Chuck',  600 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Jeff',  'Jim',   1100 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Jacob', 'Jeff',   900 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Al',    'Jeff',   800

    --===== Populate the #ScratchPad table from the data table

     INSERT INTO #ScratchPad

            (Employee, Boss)

     SELECT Employee, Boss

       FROM #Personnel


    -- Build the tree


    --===== Presets

       SET @MyCounter = 2

       SET @MaxCount = 2 * (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #ScratchPad)

       SET @Level = 1

    --===== Put the number one dog into the tree

     INSERT INTO #Tree

            (Level, Employee,LeftBower,RightBower)

     SELECT 1 AS Level,

            Employee AS Employee,

            1 AS LeftBower,

            NULL AS RightBower --Will be determined later

       FROM #ScratchPad

      WHERE Boss IS NULL

    --===== Build the tree

      WHILE @MyCounter <= (@MaxCount)


            IF EXISTS ( -- See if anything left to do at this level

                       SELECT *

                         FROM #Tree AS t,

                              #ScratchPad AS s

                        WHERE t.Employee = s.Boss

                          AND t.Level = @Level


            BEGIN   --===== Push when Level has subordinates, set LeftBower value

                     INSERT INTO #Tree


                     SELECT (@Level + 1) AS Level,

                            MIN(s.Employee) AS Employee,

                            @MyCounter AS LeftBower,

                            NULL AS RightBower --Will be determined on the way back up

                       FROM #Tree AS t,

                            #ScratchPad AS s

                      WHERE t.Employee = s.Boss

                        AND t.Level = @Level


                    --===== Delete each item inserted in #Tree

                     DELETE FROM #ScratchPad

                      WHERE Employee = (SELECT Employee

                                          FROM #Tree

                                         WHERE Level = @Level + 1)

                    --===== Update the counters for the next item down      

                        SET @MyCounter = @MyCounter + 1

                        SET @Level = @Level + 1



            BEGIN  --===== Pop the #Tree and set RightBower value

                    UPDATE #Tree

                       SET RightBower = @MyCounter,

                           Level = -Level -- pops the #Tree

                     WHERE Level = @Level

                    --===== Update the counters for the next item up     

                        SET @MyCounter = @MyCounter + 1

                        SET @Level = @Level - 1


        END --WHILE

    --===== Update the #Tree table Level for positive numbers

         -- If any negatives continue to exist, then big problem

     UPDATE #Tree

       SET Level = -Level

    --===== Enter the salaries into the tree

     UPDATE #Tree

        SET Salary = p.Salary

       FROM #Tree t,

            #Personnel p

      WHERE t.Employee = p.Employee

    --===== Display the results

      PRINT '===== #ScratchPad table ====='

     SELECT * FROM #ScratchPad

      PRINT '===== #Tree table ====='

     SELECT * FROM #Tree

    --===== Find ALL of Chuck's upline including Chuck

      PRINT '===== Chuck''s Upline ====='

     SELECT t2.*

       FROM #Tree AS t1,

            #Tree AS t2

      WHERE t1.LeftBower BETWEEN t2.LeftBower AND t2.RightBower

        AND t1.Employee = 'Chuck'

      ORDER BY t1.LeftBower

    --===== Find ALL of Chuck's downline including Chuck

      PRINT '===== Chuck''s Downline ====='

     SELECT t1.*

       FROM #Tree AS t1,

            #Tree AS t2

      WHERE t1.LeftBower BETWEEN t2.LeftBower AND t2.RightBower

        AND t2.Employee = 'Chuck'

      ORDER BY t2.LeftBower

    --===== Find ALL of Jim's downline including Jim

      PRINT '===== Jim''s Downline ====='

     SELECT t1.*

       FROM #Tree AS t1,

            #Tree AS t2

      WHERE t1.LeftBower BETWEEN t2.LeftBower AND t2.RightBower

        AND t2.Employee = 'Jim'

      ORDER BY t2.LeftBower

    --===== Find ALL of Jim's downline including Jim for 3 levels

      PRINT '===== Jim''s Downline 3 levels ====='

     SELECT t1.*

       FROM #Tree AS t1,

            #Tree AS t2

      WHERE t1.LeftBower BETWEEN t2.LeftBower AND t2.RightBower

        AND t2.Employee = 'Jim'

        AND t1.Level < t2.Level + 3

      ORDER BY t2.LeftBower

    --===== Find ALL of Jim's downline including Jim for 3 levels

      PRINT '===== Jeff''s Downline 3 levels ====='

     SELECT t1.*

       FROM #Tree AS t1,

            #Tree AS t2

      WHERE t1.LeftBower BETWEEN t2.LeftBower AND t2.RightBower

        AND t2.Employee = 'Jeff'

        AND t1.Level < t2.Level + 3

      ORDER BY t2.LeftBower

    --===== Find all of Fred's upline including Fred

      PRINT '===== Fred''s Upline ====='

     SELECT t2.*

       FROM #Tree AS t1,

            #Tree AS t2

      WHERE t1.LeftBower BETWEEN t2.LeftBower AND t2.RightBower

        AND t1.Employee = 'FRED'

      ORDER BY t1.LeftBower

    --===== Find all of Fred's upline including Fred for 3 levels

      PRINT '===== Fred''s Upline  3 levels ====='

     SELECT t2.*

       FROM #Tree AS t1,

            #Tree AS t2

      WHERE t1.LeftBower BETWEEN t2.LeftBower AND t2.RightBower

        AND t1.Employee = 'FRED'

        AND t2.Level > t1.Level - 3

      ORDER BY t1.LeftBower

    --===== Find the total salary each person controls

      PRINT '===== Total salary each person controls ====='

     SELECT t2.Employee, SUM(ISNULL(t1.Salary,0)) TotalControlledSalary

       FROM #Tree AS t1,

            #Tree AS t2

      WHERE t1.LeftBower BETWEEN t2.LeftBower AND t2.RightBower

        AND t1.Employee = t1.Employee

      GROUP BY t2.Employee


    --===== Add a new employee to a boss' downline

    DECLARE @right_most_sibling INT

    DECLARE @MyLevel INT

    --===== Get the RightBower from the new employee's immediate boss

         -- and assign a level of just one more than the boss.

     SELECT @right_most_sibling = RightBower,

            @MyLevel = Level + 1

       FROM #Tree

      WHERE Employee = 'Donna'

    --===== Update everone to the right of the new employee by adding 2

         -- to both bowers (1 for each direction/bower for new employee)

     UPDATE #Tree

        SET LeftBower = CASE

                            WHEN LeftBower > @right_most_sibling

                            THEN LeftBower + 2

                            ELSE LeftBower


           RightBower = CASE

                            WHEN RightBower >= @right_most_sibling

                            THEN RightBower + 2

                            ELSE RightBower


      WHERE RightBower >= @right_most_sibling

    --===== Now that there's room, insert the new employee. Since the

         -- new employee has no subordinates, yet, the right bower will

         -- always be always be just 1 more than the left.  The new

         -- employee will have a left bower of what the right bower of

         -- the boss used to be.

    INSERT INTO #Tree (Level,Employee, LeftBower, RightBower)

    VALUES (@MyLevel,'New Guy',@right_most_sibling,(@right_most_sibling + 1))

    --Show the insert

    --===== Find ALL of Jim's downline including Jim

      PRINT '===== Jim''s Downline ====='

     SELECT t1.*

       FROM #Tree AS t1,

            #Tree AS t2

      WHERE t1.LeftBower BETWEEN t2.LeftBower AND t2.RightBower

        AND t2.Employee = 'Jim'

    ORDER BY t1.LeftBower

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Looks like that did the trick!



  • Jeff,

    I'm getting some odd results when I really digest the output from this. According to Joe's model:

    Albert's LeftBower is 1 and his RightBower is 1 more than the highest value of all his subordinates. Same for Chuck. Anyone who is a "Leaf" node has a RightBower that is their LeftBower+1.

    The code you posted gets everyone in the right sequence by LeftBower, but their RightBowers are all foobar'd. The top guy is (1,556), his first sub is (2,557), his first sub is (3,558) even though he has no subs. Shouldn't he be (3,4) in Joe's model?

    Here's a list of the first few entries:

    1 225663     1 556   Wolin,Neal S.

    2 110219     2 557     Malchodi Jr.,William B.

    3 114068     3 558       Majeski,Stephen L.

    3 121417     5 558       Tedesco Jr.,Joseph W.

    4 123836     6 559         Nardella,Diana

    3 121865     9 558       Cubanski,James

    4 113782     10 559         Caputo,Mary E.

    5 118544     11 560           Colla,Wayne R.

    6 111302     12 561             Hunt,Lynda H.

    6 112470     14 561             Stachelek,Linda M.

    The Left's make sense to me, the right's seem odd. Wolin is the top guy so his Right should be the highest. Malchodi's right should be <= Wolin's right. Majeski has no sub's, so his right should be his left+1.

    Or am I missing something? I know Joe Celko passes through here occasionally. Maybe he can weigh in on this...


  • Obviously, the code I posted had to be changed to accomodate your particular requirements.  You are correct... something went drastically wrong.  If you could post the schema of your personnel table, some sample data (preferably for the entries you posted), the tree build code you used, and the schema for the tree, I'd be happy to take a look.

    Here's the contents of the "Tree" table from the code I posted...

    ===== #Tree table =====

    Level       Employee   LeftBower   RightBower  Salary     

    ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------- -----------

    1           Jim        1           22          1500

    2           Albert     2           15          1000

    3           Bert       3           4           900

    3           Chuck      5           14          900

    4           Donna      6           9           800

    5           Sally      7           8           600

    4           Eddie      10          11          700

    4           Fred       12          13          600

    2           Jeff       16          21          1100

    3           Al         17          18          800

    3           Jacob      19          20          900

    As you surmised, no number in the combination of Left and Right Bowers should ever be repeated.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Actually I didn't have to change much. Took out the Salary piece of the tables and loaded the #Personnel from my database's Employees table. Other than that it should be the same unless I fat-fingered something and didn't find it when I went back to review...


    --===== Suppress auto-display of line counts for appearance and speed


    --===== If tempory tables for this test exist, drop them

         IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#Personnel') IS NOT NULL

            DROP TABLE #Personnel

         IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#ScratchPad') IS NOT NULL

            DROP TABLE #ScratchPad

         IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#Tree') IS NOT NULL

            DROP TABLE #Tree

    --===== Create the #Personnel table to simulate a list of employees

     CREATE TABLE #Personnel


            Employee VARCHAR(10)     NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,

            Boss     VARCHAR(10)     NULL


    --===== Create the #ScratchPad table to temporarily hold data whil the process runs

     CREATE TABLE #ScratchPad


            Employee VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,

            Boss     VARCHAR(10)


    --===== Create the #Tree Table which will start empty

      CREATE TABLE #Tree


            Level      INT NOT NULL,

            Employee   VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,

            LeftBower  INT,

            RightBower INT


    --===== Declare Local Variables

    DECLARE @MyCounter INT

    DECLARE @MaxCount  INT

    DECLARE @Level     INT

    --===== Populate the #Personnel table to simulate a source data table

    INSERT INTO #Personnel (Employee, Boss) Values('225663', NULL)   -- Neil

    INSERT INTO #Personnel                                                      -- Neils subs

      Select [ID], Supv_ID from Employees

       Where Supv_ID is not NULL AND Status <> 2  --All with manager and active

    --===== Populate the #ScratchPad table from the #Personnel data table

     INSERT INTO #ScratchPad

      SELECT Employee, Boss FROM #Personnel


    -- Build the tree


    --===== Presets

       SET @MyCounter = 2

       SET @MaxCount = 2 * (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #ScratchPad)

       SET @Level = 1

    --===== Put the number one dog into the tree

     INSERT INTO #Tree

            (Level, Employee,LeftBower,RightBower)

     SELECT 1 AS Level,

            Employee AS Employee,

            1 AS LeftBower,

            NULL AS RightBower --Will be determined later

       FROM #ScratchPad

      WHERE Boss IS NULL

    --===== Build the tree

      WHILE @MyCounter <= (@MaxCount)


            IF EXISTS ( -- See if anything left to do at this level

                       SELECT *

                         FROM #Tree AS t,

                              #ScratchPad AS s

                        WHERE t.Employee = s.Boss

                          AND t.Level = @Level


            BEGIN   --===== Push when Level has subordinates, set LeftBower value

                     INSERT INTO #Tree


                     SELECT (@Level + 1) AS Level,

                            MIN(s.Employee) AS Employee,

                            @MyCounter AS LeftBower,

                            NULL AS RightBower --Will be determined on the way back up

                       FROM #Tree AS t,

                            #ScratchPad AS s

                      WHERE t.Employee = s.Boss

                        AND t.Level = @Level


                    --===== Delete each item inserted in #Tree

                     DELETE FROM #ScratchPad

                      WHERE Employee = (SELECT Employee

                                          FROM #Tree

                                         WHERE Level = @Level + 1)

                    --===== Update the counters for the next item down      

                        SET @MyCounter = @MyCounter + 1

                        SET @Level = @Level + 1



            BEGIN  --===== Pop the #Tree and set RightBower value

                    UPDATE #Tree

                       SET RightBower = @MyCounter,

                           Level = -Level -- pops the #Tree

                     WHERE Level = @Level

                    --===== Update the counters for the next item up     

                        SET @MyCounter = @MyCounter + 1

                        SET @Level = @Level - 1


        END --WHILE

    --===== Update the #Tree table Level for positive numbers

         -- If any negatives continue to exist, then big problem

    UPDATE #Tree

       SET Level = -Level

     Where Level < 0

    --===== Display the results

    --  PRINT '===== #ScratchPad table ====='

    -- SELECT * FROM #ScratchPad

    --  PRINT '===== #Tree table ====='

    -- SELECT * FROM #Tree

     --===== Find ALL of Neil's downline including Neil

     SELECT t1.*, space(t1.level*2) as [Name], E.tierint

      FROM #Tree AS t1 left outer join #Tree AS t2

     on t1.LeftBower BETWEEN t2.LeftBower AND t2.RightBower

     left outer join Directory D

      on t1.employee=d.employeeid

     left outer join Employees E

      on t1.employee=E.ID

      Where t2.Employee = '225663'

      ORDER BY t2.LeftBower, t2.rightbower --, tierint



  • rschaeferhig,

    You were quite right... you didn't change much.  In fact, when I built a test Directory and Employees table and inserted the records you showed in a previous post (sans the bowers, of course), I couldn't get the code you posted to fail.  Then, I tried adding a person to the Employees table that already existed but just had a different boss (used the same status code of <> 2).  Of course, the Primary Key on the #Personnel table kept that eventuality from loading from the Employees table into the #Personnel table (Primary Key violation).

    Then, I added a person to the Directory table that already existed (duplicated the EmployeeID)... that's when I started getting dupes on the bowers but only in the "Neil's Downline" output.  The content of the #Tree table was OK.

    So, I think there could be duplicate EmployeeID's in the Directory table... not sure because I don't have access to your data.  Try this to find out...

    SELECT EmployeeID, COUNT(*)
      FROM Directory
     GROUP BY EmployeeID
    HAVING COUNT(*) > 1

    That should find any dupes you may have... of course, if you have a Primary Key or Unique key on the EmployeeID column of the Directory table, you don't even need to do that check.  That would also mean that something else is wrong.  That would lead us back to the Employees table...

    When your code loads the Employees table into the #Personnel table, you use "AND Status <> 2" as part of the criteria.  In the code that tries to find Neil's downline, you don't include that filter.  That does leave the possiblity that there might actually be dupes in the Employees table in the ID column and we need to check there, as well...

      FROM Employees
    HAVING COUNT(*) > 1

    If you find dupes in the Employees table (by ID), then you'll need to add the "AND Status <> 2" as part of the criteria in the code that tries to find Neil's downline.  When I added a dupe employee with a status of 2, the tree build still worked correctly but the code to find Neil's downline went crazy with apparent dupe bowers because there was no longer a 1 to 1 relationship between t1 and Employees.

    Of course, if you don't find dupes in either table, please confirm whether or not there are any dupe bowers in the #Tree table.  You shouldn't find any but we need to check anyway...

     SELECT d.Bower,COUNT(*)



            SELECT LeftBower AS Bower

              FROM #Tree

             UNION ALL

            SELECT RightBower AS Bower

              FROM #Tree

            ) d

      GROUP BY d.Bower

     HAVING COUNT(*) > 1

    If dupes are found in the #Tree table and not in either the Directory or Employees table, it'll be back to the drawing board on the code but, again, I haven't been able to make the Tree Build code fail.  I would really be suprised if there were no dupes in either Directory (EmployeeID) or Employees (ID) tables (column).

    Couple of other things...

    1. Although the implicit conversions from INT to CHAR(10) for most of the ID's work just fine, you may want to change the DDL for the temp tables from CHAR(10) to INT for things like EmployeeID and Boss to get that extra bit of speed out of the thing.

    2. Although it produces the exact same output as your code, the following code is a bit easier to read for troubleshooting purposes because the self join to the #Tree table is isolated as a derived table and the outer joins have been eliminated.  Of course, elimination of the outer joins only works if you have some form of referential integrity that ensures all 3 of your tables have a valid entry for each employee...

    --===== Find ALL of Neil's dowline including Neil and then

         -- add extra info for each person.

     SELECT dt.*, SPACE(dt.[Level]*2) + d.CN AS [Name], e.TierInt

       FROM #Directory d,

            #Employees e,

            (--Derived table "dt" finds the correct downline.  Output

             --of this joins with other tables to get the rest of the info.

             SELECT t1.[Level],t1.Employee,t1.LeftBower,t1.RightBower

               FROM #Tree AS t1,

                    #Tree AS t2

              WHERE t1.LeftBower BETWEEN t2.LeftBower and t2.RightBower

                AND t2.Employee = '225663'


      WHERE d.EmployeeId = dt.Employee

        AND e.ID         = dt.Employee

    Lemme know how the dupe checks come out.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • There are no dupes in Employees or Directory. The ID is our corporate Employee ID, there can only be one. It is the Primary Key in both tables.

    The "Status<>2" applies only to the Employees table to eliminate "Inactive" (terminated) employees. I don't need it to get Neil's downline since the LEFT OUTER JOIN of Directory to #Tree limits the Directory entries to those in #Tree which was built with only active employees.

    I can't change ID to INT because some ID's have characters. It just so happens that the ones you saw didn't.

    I changed the check for duplicate bowers in the #Tree to:

    Select LeftBower as Lft, count(*) as Bowers

    from #Tree

    Group by LeftBower

    Having Count(*)>1

    Select RightBower as Rgt, count(*) as Bowers

    from #Tree

    Group by RightBower

    Having Count(*)>1

    I got no duplicates on LeftBower (expected), but the following on RightBower:

    Rgt Bowers
    561 9

    562 43

    563 102

    564 97

    565 27

    It appears that the code that pops back up the tree is somehow getting confused.

    If we could take this offline I could send you the entire #Tree to look at, even take a snapshot before the bowers are set. You could run it through the part of the code that sets the bowers and maybe figure out where the duplicate RightBowers are coming from. There are only 270+- entries so I could dump the tree into a CSV file and zip it up. Send me a PM with your email if this is OK. I've been beating on this hierarchy report for a couple of weeks and my boss is starting to get antsy. (I'd give anything for SQL 2005 and Recursive Functions with CTE's).

    Thanks for all your help.


  • I was looking at the "pop" code and trying to figure out what it was doing. Shouldn't the RightBower for any entry without subordinates be LeftBower+1? Shouldn't the RightBower for anyone with subordinates be Max(Subordinates RightBower)+1? I don't understand how your code does that, if that's what your trying to do?

    Or do I not understand the original model?


  • Thanks Joe,

    The problem is in changing the code for converting an adjacency model to a nested set model from SQL/PSM to MS TSQL. There are several constructs in your code that don't directly translate to MS TSQL.

    I will gladly buy your book if it has that code in MS TSQL!!


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