Comparison of TCP/IP and Named Pipes?

  • When it comes to connecting to your SQL Server from you client, what is the difference between using a Named Pipe and a TCP/IP connection?

  • Hello Vanessa,

    Look in BOL (books online) you'll see many topics about that subject. It depends on how deep you want to go but if you search for these keywords in BOL you will find relatively good doc about it: TCP/IP, NAMED PIPES, Network protocols, communication components.



  • Named Pipes is a Microsoft network protocol. TCP/IP is the standard used on the internet. Non-MS networks need to have it installed in order to communicate with SQL Server. TCP/IP is universal.

    However, if you are using Windows Server 2000 and TCP/IP along with Kerebos security and having trouble maintaining a connection MS recomends that you use named pipes instead of TCP/IP.

    I don't think there is much difference performance wise. Using Named Pipes means you don't have to worry about maintaining DNS names and addresses.

  • Just to add a little more complexity, you can use Named Pipes but the underlying protocole stack is TCP/IP.


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