Installing SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition on Windows 2003 Server

  • Can anyone post a good article which describes the steps for Installing SQL Server 2000 on Windows 2003 Server. I know that it needs SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Version with SP2 as a base requirement for installing the SQL Server on Windows 2003. However I still have problems installing the database on Windows 2003.

    Prasad Bhogadi

  • For most of us, we drop the CD in there and click next. There's no magic to installing it on W2K3.

    If you post the errors you're getting or the issues you've having, we can help.

  • It really was as simple as that for me on one of the installations. However on a new server the installation goes fine till the last step where it says starting sql server is starting the services as per your chosen configuration... and shows a alert message

    setup failed to configure the server. Refer to the server logs and C:\WINDOWS\sqlstp.log for more information.

    And the sqlstp.log reads as this

    Starting Service ...


    -m -Q -T4022 -T3659

    Connecting to Server ...

    driver={sql server};server=IR-DEV-SERVER;UID=sa;PWD=;database=master

    [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

    driver={sql server};server=IR-DEV-SERVER;UID=sa;PWD=;database=master

    [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

    driver={sql server};server=IR-DEV-SERVER;UID=sa;PWD=;database=master

    [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

    SQL Server configuration failed.


    21:23:31 Process Exit Code: (-1)

    Prasad Bhogadi

  • That's strange. Did the service start?

    Are you sure that name matches the Windows name exactly?

  • No, the service hasn't started and it is a very weird problem I am trying to resolve. The server name is same. Any clues would be highly appreciated.

    Prasad Bhogadi

  • This is strange.

    Check the system log for errors. Also, check the sql log folder for what's being written there.

    do the master, msdb, and model databases exist in the file system?

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