Invalid status for bound data

  • Hello,

    We are seeing the following error during a DTS execution and do not know what is causing the problem. We are connecting to an HP-NonStop via an ODBC driver and extracting data without transformations. The package started having problems after the OS was rebuilt and SQL was re-installed. Currently, we are running Windows 2000 SP4, SQL Server 2000 SP4, and MDAC appears to be 2.81. Any thoughts?

    Error: -2147467259 (80004005); Provider Error: 0 (0)

    Error string: Insert error, column 8 ('XXXXXXXX', DBTYPE_NUMERIC), status 12: Invalid status for bound data.

    Error source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Data Pump

    Help file: sqldts80.hlp

    Help context: 30702

  • If the error statement is exactly as above it looks like the extract is trying to put a VARCHAR value ('XXXXXXXX') to a NUMERIC column (column 8).


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  • The problem is with a third party ODBC driver that connects to our back-end mainframe. It only occurs with decimal values and appears to be related to a WIN hotfix. In the statement above, 'XXXXXXXX' was inserted by me for illustration purposes. Thanks.

  • I am getting this same message, except our case is slightly different. If I run the DTS package on our server, it runs perfectly. If I run through SQL Server Enterprise Manager on my computer, it fails. It only fails on some of the DTS Packages, and others work. I wonder if it has something to do with: DSNs setup on the computers? I changed my DSNs to match those on the server. Or could it be that there is a difference in ODBC drivers? The source database is Oracle.

    Again, the DTS Packages run fine on the server, but some of them do not run when connecting from my computer. I have the SQL Server Registration setup properly - I believe. I can run other DTS packages, just not all of them. It is very confusing. Has anyone run into this problem before?

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